Mediabestedingen weblogs, podcast en RSS verdrievoudigd in 2005

Weblog-, podcast- en RSS-advertising zijn de snelst groeiende segmenten binnen de alternatieve media. Dit blijkt uit een recent onderzoek van PQ Media. De bestedingen in deze zogenaamde user-generated online media is in 2005 met 198.4% gestegen tot 20,4 miljoen dollar. De verwachting voor dit jaar is dat de bestedingen verder zullen stijgen tot een bedrag van ca. 50 miljoen dollar.
Een paar higlights uit het rapport:
- Blog advertising accounted for 81.4%, or $16.6 million, of total spending on blog, podcast and RSS advertising in 2005, but will comprise only 39.7% of the total in 2010;
- Podcast advertising, meanwhile, reached $3.1 million in 2005, and is projected to grow at a compound annual rate of 154.4% from 2006 to 2010, when it will be larger than blog advertising;
- RSS advertising, non-existent until mid-2005, generated spending of $650,000 in 2005, but will be the fastest growing segment over the next five years.
I know it’s an obvious comment, but as we are comparing the apartheid era, forget about British police – just imagine this happening under white rule in S. Africa: the BBC would have helped in organising a violent picket outside the South African Embassy, and would have attacked British Policemen for trying to keep both the protesters and their targets sansp &fbe;.; 37 likes