Nielsen Online: Social Networking’s New Global Footprint

10 maart 2009, 07:25

Tweederde van de internetpopulatie bezoekt social networking sites of weblogs. 10 procent van alle tijd die aan internet besteed wordt, gaat hieraan op. Dit blijkt uit het nieuwe Nielsen rapport ‘Global Faces and Networked Places’ (hier als pdf).

John Burbank, CEO Nielsen Online. ‘While two-thirds of the global online population already accesses member community sites, their vigorous adoption and the migration of time show no signs of slowing.’ Werd van de 15 minuten internettijd (gemiddeld, wereldwijd) in 2008 nog 1 minuut besteed aan social networks, nu is dat opgelopen tot 1:11.

Social wordt mainstream

Nu social steeds meer mainstream raakt, wordt het publiek ook steeds ouder. Vooral bij Facebook. Zie ook: ‘Vrouwen van 55 plus bestormen Facebook’. Nielsen schrijft: ‘From December 2007 through December 2008, Facebook added almost twice as many 50-64 year old visitors (+13.6 million) than it has added under 18 year old visitors (+7.3 million).’


“Mobile is a natural fit for social networks, as consumers are used to connecting with friends via mobile calls and text. UK mobile web users have the greatest propensity to visit a social network through their handset with 23% of them (2 million people) doing so, compared to 19% in the US (10.6 million people). The numbers of people doing so are a big increase on last year – 249% in the UK and 156% in the US.”

Uit het rapport: “Although Facebook has come some way towards delivering a promise of targeted ads within a mass network, MySpace’s more focused overall offering seems to be proving more fruitful at the moment. MySpace is smaller globally than Facebook and, outside the US, is considered more of a niche player because of its more focused targeting

towards teenagers and young adults through the vehicles of entertainment – encompassing music and video – and self-expression (decoration options allow profi le pages to be highly customisable).”


Van april 2007 tot juni 2011 was ik freelance editor/ communitymanager / hoofdredacteur bij Marketingfacts. Tussendoor werkte ik bij Insites Consulting, IDG Nederland, Saatchi&Saatchi;/Leo Burnett (voor Samsung) en voor onderzoeksbureau WUA. Vanaf 1 november 2021 vorm ik samen met Luuk Ros de hoofdredactie van Marketingfacts.


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