InterRail start open source marketingexperiment
Sinds 1972 bestaat InterRail als mogelijkheid voor jongeren (16 tot 26 jaar) om zwervend per trein Europa te leren kennen. Hoewel InterRail als merk het tot een werkwoord als ‘InterRailen’ heeft weten te schoppen, zijn bij mij geen voorbeelden bekend van campagnes die deze positie bewust hebben opgebouwd of gehandhaafd. Wanneer je op YouTube zoekt naar wat er zoal te vinden is over InterRail, dan zie je dat veel klanten hier spontaan hun InterRail ervaringen plaatsen. De doelgroep blijkt ondanks de afwezigheid van actieve marketing toch sterk ‘engaged’ te zijn met de InterRail ervaring.
Vanaf april dit jaar is, van oudsher de centrale informatieportal voor InterRailers, op de markt als officiëel online verkoopkanaal van InterRailpassen voor de pan-Europese markt. De verwachtte omzet voor het resterende deel van 2007 bedraagt voor deze site 2,5 miljoen Euro. De verwachting is dat o.b.v. van een uitbreiding met 6 vertalingen naast de huidige Engelse site en een sterke verbreding met nationaal bekende betaalmogelijkheden, de omzet nog sterk zal stijgen. b.v. heeft als organisatie nog beperkte ervaring heeft met online marketing en heeft in zijn huidige vorm beperkte capaciteit voor het verder vorm geven van een recent gelanceerde campagne. Dit in combinatie met een, voor een pan-Europese markt, beperkt mediabudget vormt de aanleiding voor het zoeken naar een innovatieve manier om met deze situatie om te gaan. Een Open Source Marketing aanpak waarbij we de Marketingfacts community vragen om mee te denken lijkt ons mooi experiment om hier invulling aan te geven. Het is onze bedoeling om zoveel mogelijk bruikbare feedback aantoonbaar in de campagne te verwerken en daarbij zo goed als mogelijk hier op marketingfacts inzicht te geven in onze bevindingen en geboekte resultaten.
Ter viering van de lancering van de vernieuwde site, is sinds 3 weken een online game beschikbaar onder de naam RailDance Express. De game zal tot eind september beschikbaar blijven en keert wekelijks en maandelijks gratis InterRailpassen uit aan winnende deelnemers. De enige vorm van directe promotie die tot nu toe heeft plaatsgevonden, is een reeks van verwijzingen van de homepage en andere pagina’s via een banner. trok in juni 2007 ruim 220.000 unieke bezoekers met 1.120.000 pageviews. De 12 speldagen hebben tot nu toe geleid tot ruim 19.000 spelsessies, 1350 highscore entries en 460 verzamelde emailadressen. De verdeling van het aantal gamesessies sinds de start is hieronder weergegeven.
Alle tot dusver geplande promotie activiteiten worden momenteel bijgehouden in een publieke Tada List. In deze lijst is te volgen welke acties zijn ondernomen en wat er nog staat te gebeuren. Voor geleverde feedback zullen we per aangeleverd idee onderbouwd aangeven of dit wel of niet past voor Bruikbare ideeën worden opgenomen in de Tada List. Voor geïnteresseerden is er een RSS feed beschikbaar voor het volgen van updates. Voor opgevolgde acties zullen we zo goed als mogelijk inzicht geven in de geboekte resultaten die hieruit volgen.
Informatie over RailDance Express
In samenwerking met Little Chicken Game Company is, geïnspireerd door onderstaande YouTube video van Spaanse InterRailers, een hoogwaardige online game ontwikkeld met de naam RailDance Express. In het spel worden de spelers uitgenodigd om in 15 speldagen zo ver mogelijk te reizen door Europa met hun InterRail pas. Onderweg kunnen extra bonus punten gescoord worden door bevriende InterRailers op de route te bezoeken en met hen te RailDancen. Per week wordt aan de hoogste score een gratis InterRail pas uitgekeerd en maandelijks vindt er een trekking plaats van 4 prijswinnaars uit de maandelijkse top 100.
De vraag van b.v. aan jullie, de MarketingFacts community, is om met ons van gedachten te wisselen over het aantrekken van zo veel mogelijk spelers in de leeftijdscategorie 16 t/m 26 uit geheel Europa. We hopen met jullie hulp twee dingen te bereiken:
1. Het maximaliseren van het virale effect van de campagne voor een Pan-Europese markt ondanks een beperkt mediabudget.
2. Feedback op de game als middel om de verbinding te leggen met de doelgroep en zoveel mogelijk relevante emailadressen te verzamelen.
We zijn erg benieuwd of jullie het leuk vinden om met ons mee te denken en promotiemiddelen uit te proberen.
Tot slot
Vanuit b.v. hopen we dat de Marketingfacts community dit experiment met enthousiasme onvangt. We realiseren ons dat deze open vorm van communicatie niet geheel zonder risico is. Wat dit betreft zullen wij proberen ons zo transparant mogelijk op te stellen in de hoop dat jullie je feedback altijd constructief in zullen steken. Potentiële leveranciers van b.v. willen we er wel graag op wijzen dat we niet in zullen gaan op directe acquisitie naar aanleiding van deze post. Ten slotte nog een woord van dank aan Frank Meeuwsen en Mark Hissink Muller voor het reviewen van de eerste draft van deze post via Twitter en Google Docs.
Disclosure: Auteur Stephan Verveen is werkzaam als Head of Business Innovation bij b.v.
@Stephan, kijk er nu overheen of is er geen wiki voor de feedback? Of wil je alles hier in de comments hebben?
@Raimo ik had nog geen wiki opgetuigd, doe dat nu snel alsnog ff. Dat zou inderdaad van pas kunnen komen. Dat had @FrankMeeuwsen ook gezegd, maar ik ben nog niet zo’n GTDer als hij 🙂
Leuke opzet inderdaad. Kom er nog graag op terug.
Ah, ik zie nu dat je de wiki al hebt opgezet Stephan. Ben benieuwd of daar veel input komt van de lezers en/of twitteraars. Ik vermoed eerlijk gezegd van niet. Denk eerder dat jij de persoon bent die de input her en der moet verzamelen en ze zelf in deze wiki moet plaatsen. De vraag is dan of je daar een wiki voor nodig hebt.
@marco op zich met je eens dat dit nu niet ineens vol zal gaan lopen, ik denk dat ik in de wiki relevante statistieken kan gaan delen. Dit zou voor sommigen interessant genoeg kunnen zijn om af en toe te komen kijken en evt. wat bij te dragen. Ik kan het in de komende periode in ieder geval voor mijzelf gebruiken als kladblok voor dit experiment.
@Stephan: zou ook leuk zijn om tzt eens terug te kijken naar het hele proces van open source marketing. Welke aanpak en welke instrumenten zijn daarbij van nut geweest.
Maar nu terug naar het onderwerp, we dwalen af 😉
Inderdaad goed initiatief..
Ik vraag me af of er nu een hoogwaardige game ontwikkeld dient te worden. Als je iedereen die interrailt uitnodigt om van die dansclipjes te maken heb je volgens mij ook al een leuke trekker. Om verder door te borduren op Marco’s info: Maak een Mash-up van Flickr, YouTube en Google maps van interrailers.
Ik geloof dat Interrail leuk genoeg is. Ook zonder game..
Bytheway heb de game nog niet kunnen bekijken(dramatische internet verbinding hier op KPN HQ)
Ik vind een game eerder aanvullend dan verbindend in deze, maar het is ontzettend leuk uitgevoerd door Little Chicken, klasse!
A. Steden, perron en het spoor ertussen vormen het platform.
B. Mobiele telefoon en web zijn het medium.
C. Eurail is host.
D. Reizigers zijn publiek.
Waar gaat het over?
A. Global experience / meaning
B. Connectivity
C. Reputation
D. Audience / recognition
Interrail freestyling. RailRap.
Ik zou me meer concentreren op de RAP en het freestylen in de promotionele acties. Kijk goed naar de input van de doelgroep, en focus je daarmee op de output van Eurail. Wat DOEN interrailers op hun trip en wat willen ze DELEN met elkaar?
Deel de experience op locatie bv. met behulp van bigsceens op de stations in de hoofdsteden. Denk aan sequences. Interrailer in Brussel kan iets (message/gift/question) achterlaten voor een Interrailer in Barcelona en die kan vervolgens weer … What’s in it for me/them?
Kan nog wel even doorgaan, leuke opdracht!
Leuk en vooruitstrevend idee, om je marketing zo open en bloot het net op te gooien. Maar tegelijkertijd jammer dat ’t een beetje bij ‘losse flodder’ werk blijft.
Zoals Annet hierboven al opmerkt, mist het ‘What’s in it for me’ nogal. Zowel in het marketeers- als het publieksonderdeel. Waarom zouden marketeers willen meewerken? En waarom zou het publiek willen meewerken?
Als je het op een brandgagement manier zou hebben aangepakt, zou je begonnen zijn met het identificeren van de doelen en/of problemen van je klanten. In dit voorbeeld ga je ervan uit dat het enige doel (van het publiek) het ‘zo vér mogelijk reizen, het zoveel mogelijk plaatsen aandoen’ is. En dat is natuurlijk nogal ernstig beperkt. En voor het marketeersdeel zie ik nog helemaal geen dankzij InterRail te behalen ‘What’s in it for me’-doel.
De tweede stap in een brandgagement aanpak is altijd het identificeren, werven en selecteren van drie soorten speerconsumenten, die je proces op gang gaan helpen: co-experts, co-docenten en co-creators.
Co-experts zijn (semi-)professionals die haast nog méér over je merk weten dan jij zelf, en jou dolgraag willen helpen met het delen van hun kennis en kunde. Deze mensen halen hun trots uit het feit dat ze op gelijke voet met jouw top-innovators mogen samenwerken -> deze mogelijkheid moet je ze dus bieden. (Op dit moment bied je deze mogelijkheid aan marketeers aan, maar eh: behoren die wel tot jouw doelgroep?)
Co-docenten zijn consumenten die graag hun kennis en informatie van jouw merk verder verspreiden, onder mede-consumenten. En deze ‘connectors’ halen hun trots uit de hoeveelheid (nieuwe) connecties die ze dankzij jouw merk en met jouw hulp kunnen leggen. (Op dit moment gebeurt er blijkbaar vanalles op Hyves enzo, zonder dat Interrail er echt bij betrokken is.)
Co-creators tot slot, zijn consumenten die graag de handen uit de mouwen steken. En allerlei leuke dingen maken, door jouw merk, je producten en je diensten hierbij als ‘LEGO blokjes’ te gebruiken. Je noemt deze soort consumenten ook wel de ‘See & Be Seens’; zij halen hun trots immers uit het feit dat hun creaties in online galleries te bewonderen zijn, en beoordeeld worden. (Dit heb je met een wedstrijdje opgelost -> je kunt daarin nog veel verder gaan.)
Kortom, het is op dit moment dus nog een beetje teveel ‘losse flodder’ werk, wat bij betreft. Maar tja, zo’n professioneel brandgagement traject kost natuurlijk een hoop geld 😉
Toch veel succes toegewenst, en veel complimenten voor het zo open en eerlijk delen van je ideën en ervaringen!
@allen bedankt voor jullie enthousiaste reacties en nuttige commentaar tot dusver. Het aantal mogelijkheden om met de actieve InterRail community te communiceren zijn soms overweldigend veel. Voor een hypertaskende organisatie als met een kleine, maar groeiende bezetting (4 vast en 2 inhuur) is het sterk zoeken naar de hoeveelheid tijd en geld die we op dit moment kunnen/zouden moeten investeren. Deze week is Sheena van der Ree bij ons aan boord gekomen voor i.i.g. 1,5 maand en is in principe beschikbaar om community zaken op te volgen, waaronder de blog.
Morgen zal ik meer gericht op jullie individuele reacties ingaan, ik hoop dat jullie de reactie mails ontvangen. Ik zal mijn best doen overal gericht op te reageren.
Alvast @carl wegens prikkelende woorden: bedankt voor je uitgebreide commentaar. Hoewel ik je ‘losse flodder’ opmerking kan plaatsen heeft het verhaal uiteraard wat meer dimensies dan hierboven te lezen zijn. Ik kom hier graag nog even op terug.
Wat ik voor actief mee-discussierende mensen in de aanbieding heb is een gedeelde leerervaring in het benaderen van een Pan-Europese markt. Mijn kennis van partijen die hier sterk bedreven in zijn is momenteel nogal beperkt. Het is mijn aanname dat dit voor een aantal lezers en schrijvers van MarketingFacts een interessant onderzoek zou kunnen zijn, als wat het maar vanwege de werkvorm. Mocht je een goede partij weten die geschikt zou zijn voor het verhogen van awareness op Europees niveau (Met name UK, Frankrijk, Duitsland, Spanje, Italië, enz…) die dit voor een bescheiden budget weet te realiseren, dan hou ik me daar warm voor aanbevolen.
Morgen meer reacties mijnerzijnds. Vandaag moet ik nu even papa en huisman spelen, want open source zaken gaan bij ons nog maar deels onder werktijd. 🙂
@allen (wederom), geweldig om jullie input binnen te zien komen. Later vandaag zet ik jullie feedback ‘ns goed op een rij en kom ik weer terug.
@Stephan: ben benieuwd naar de volgende stap. Al enig idee hoe en wanneer?
Zo, dat was een interessante dag. N.a.v. deze post heb ik inmiddels een telefonisch interview met Emerce achter de rug. Jullie reacties en dit interview bevestigen absoluut de mogelijkheden die er liggen.
In een volgende reactie ga ik in op elk van jullie reacties, vooraf eerst nog een stukje achtergrond.
De reden voor b.v. om open source te gaan met de online marketing voor InterRail is juist het grote scala aan mogelijkheden en onze gelimiteerde capaciteit om hier wat mee te doen. In mijn gesprek met Emerce realiseerde ik mij al pratende dat de term open source wat dat betreft echt de lading dekt van de aanpak die wij zoeken.
Binnen Open Source software ontwikkeling is het, afhankelijk van de toegepaste licentievorm, toegestaan om broncode her te gebruiken en hier een zogenaamde ‘fork’ van te maken. Een fork is een eigen versie van de source die is afgesplitst van de hoofdstroom. In marketing termen zou dit kunnen betekenen dat partijen buiten b.v. onze basismaterialen pakken en daar InterRail gerelateerde campagnes mee kunnen ontwikkelen.
Als voorbeeld: we zijn momenteel niet van plan om van of gerelateerde sites een dating-site te maken. Wanneer iemand nu het idee opvat om te gaan maken, conflicteert dit niet met de kern-activiteit van De rol van ‘BrandHost’ die wij willen spelen zit hem dan in het aanmoedigen van initiatieven die synergetisch werken met de richting die wij met InterRail op internet voor ogen hebben. Dit past ook erg goed bij de rol die in een vorige verschijning heeft gespeeld in de InterRail community. Vandaag heb ik nog gesproken met een Duits weblog ( die een videowedstrijd wil organiseren en daarbij samenwerking zoekt. We zijn in gesprek om dit wederzijds versterkend te maken, ook al zou dit qua timing samenvallen met een videoreeks die we met o.b.v. YouTube willen hosten.
De gevolgde aanpak bij het schrijven van deze post is tot nu toe behoorlijk ‘los’ van aard geweest in de zin dat er niet een strak plan gepresenteerd is. De feedback van Carl heeft me vandaag in gedachten goed bezig gehouden, maar ik moet zeggen dat ik geen spijt heb van deze aanpak. Op basis van de reacties hier op MF, de wiki en vanuit Emerce is de vervolg richting juist een stuk helderder geworden. Het is geen geheidm dat ik zoekende ben naar de juist vorm.
Het vervolgplan verder uitwerken zal nog wat dagen nodig hebben. Wel kan ik al beloven dat er minstens een handvol interessante concrete acties zullen komen waarvan ik bereid ben de resultaten te delen. De wiki zal hier een goede omgeving voor vormen om dit te beschrijven. Mogelijk dat een tussentijdse update hier op MF de verder uitgewerkte plannen beter over de bühne brengen.
Nu in een aparte reactie meer gericht naar iedereen individueel.
@Stephan: goed om te horen en ik zou zeker de tussentijdse resultaten een keer presenteren in een aparte posting!
@Raimo Ik ben met je eens dat een game niet noodzakelijk is. De keuze voor een game was reeds genomen voordat ik bij Eurail kwam in januari dit jaar. Ik zie het als een prima asset om momentum mee te creeëren en vind het een geweldig leuk en leerzaam traject. Je idee van dansfilmpjes heeft bij ons ook gespeeld en is tot nu toe wegens tijdgebrek niet verder ingevuld. Door recente ontwikkelingen zullen hier naar verwachting zowel vanuit als invulling aan worden gegeven. Het zou mooi zijn om dit nog Pan-Europeser te maken, vraag is wel: hoe?! Ik zit iig te denken aan wat simpele materialen vanuit (badge voor op sites, korte pitch) en dat te seeden bij fora/blogs.
@Marco er is inderdaad een heleboel te vinden ‘out there’, veel basismateriaal waar je erg leuke dingen mee kan doen. Ik zie het met name als leuke input voor brand-evangelists (hoop niet dat ik nu een grove terminologie verhaspeling maak) die hier iets creatiefs mee willen doen. Het is uiteraard zaak om deze mensen te identificeren en te activeren. De wiki zou best kunnen gaan werken, ik ga hier over de komende weken rustig mee verder.
@Annet Leuk dat je die nadruk op de rap hebt gelegd. We hebben als basis materiaal nog een zgn. ‘Moodclip’ op de plank liggen die nog ‘ns in YouTube moeten hangen. Hier zit ook een rapper in. Over de interesses van InterRailes en wat ze zoal doen is een hoop te vinden en ook al deels verzameld. Sheena heeft hier inmiddels een eerste inventarisatie van gemaakt, ik zal deze ook delen op de wiki.
@Carl ik hoop dat je o.b.v. de reacties de lijn in de aanpak kan vinden. Het is zeker niet de bedoeling om dit tot een losse flodder te laten worden, wel moet e.e.a. te behappen blijven qua investering in met name tijd. Zoals eerder gezegd hoop ik het publiek inzicht te verschafffen in een concreet voorbeeld van pan-Europese viral marketing, uitgewerkt volgens een innovatieve werkvorm. Wat betreft co-experts: de marketeers behoren niet perse tot de doelgroep, maar weten als het goed is het beste hoe je pan-Europese exposure kan opbouwen ondanks een beperkt budget. Co-docenten en co-creators zijn we momenteel aan het identificeren, dit soort terminologie is zeker bruikbaar hierbij dus bedankt daarvoor. Ik hoop dat je in een later stadium nog eens mee wilt denken, want een _duur_ brandgagement project willen we er op dit moment iig nog niet van maken. 😉
@Roel a) ja er is van alles, we zijn bezig dit te inventariseren en de meeste kansrijke ingangen gaan we maken. Wel willen we niet overal de lead in nemen (dit schaalt erg slecht), maar vooral samenwerken met co-creators. Wat betreft die lange adem begrijp ik precies wat je bedoelt, dit willen we niet tot een eendagsvlieg laten worden. Bedankt voor je voorbeeld, ik heb ‘m getagged. De weblog is zeker niet alleen voor de game, binnen een week zal hier ook andere content komen. Het is overduidelijk een stap voor stap proces.
@Joost Geweldig! Dit is eigenlijk een prototype van het soort reactie waar ik op hoopte. Niet zozeer om perse gratis bijdrages te verzamelen, maar om mogelijkheden beter in overweging te kunnen nemen. De mogelijkheden van widgets worden steeds groter en heb ik voor ons nog niet geconcretiseerd. Zou je interesse hebben om ons mee te helpen? We kunnen hier even contact over hebben. Ik hoor het graag.
@Danielle Facebook gaat voor ons een belangrijke worden. Op een travel congres in Londen werd het mij duidelijk dat Facebook in Engeland ook sterk in opkomst is. Voor ons merk Eurail is dit op de Amerikaanse markt nog veel sterker het geval. Op dit moment biedt InterRail Station nog weinig praktische reis-info, dit zal spoedig gaan veranderen. YouTube zit in de pijplijn op korte termijn en voor mashups/widgets zou ik graag met een enthousiaste crack in aanraking komen die mee wil helpen (bijvoorbeeld als zomerbaantje).
@Marco (nogmaals) je links lijken het niet te doen? Is er misschien iets mis met de MF archieven??
@Allen nogmaals bedankt. Veel werk om alles op te volgen, maar ik betrap mezelf op een nog meer toegenomen enthousiasme dus dat is een goede zaak denk ik 🙂 Wordt vervolgd….
@Stephan: om de een of andere redenen waren er allemaal spaties ingekomen. Als het goed is werken de links nu wel!
@ Stephan
Ik zou het erg leuk vinden om mee te helpen. Heb sowieso nog wel wat leuke kleine ideeen, die zal ik ook komende week hier ook nog wel even posten. Je kunt altijd even een mailtje sturen naar
Tis reizen: Googlemaps ligt voor de hand. De game is flash en volgens mij te embedden op googlemaps. Ik zou een googlemaps account aanmaken voor interrail en dan een soort microsites maken per grote stad met daarop in ieder geval de game embedded als aanjager plus andere interrail internetcontent die met die stad te maken heeft. Dat kan vanalles zijn: youtube filmpjes, flickr foto’s etc die je zelf kunt vinden maar ik denk bijvoorbeeld ook een een low res filmpje van Gare Du Nord waarop ik eenvoudig al kan zien waar de belangrijke loketten zitten en ik me niet helemaal godverloren zoek. Dat soort instructionals als video embedded op googlemaps lijkt me echt wat toevoegen: antwoord op de vraag: hoe werkt de kaartautomaat in Barcelona, hoe bestel ik koffie in Waschau, allemaal simpel te zien op een filmpje waar iemand het voordoet en uitelgt? Post bij elke locatie die je op googlemaps vlagt zelf één dergelijk filmpje (kun je zo laten maken door bijvoorbeeld interrail agenten op lokatie met hun telefoon, meer heb je eigenlijk niet nodig) en roep mensen op eigen filmpjes toe te voegen. Al schrijvende heb ik zelfs al een naam: interstructionals, kleine filmpjes die als een soort gebruiksaanwijzing voor de interrailer op pad werken.
Daarna meer User Generated Content: interrailers kunnen binnen het account zelf informatie etc over die specifieke locatie toevoegen. Een soort User Generated reisgids en reisfotalbum tegelijk met googlemaps als platform. Of zelfs de hele boel op Plazers gooien. Vervolgens dat geheel nog eens doortrekken als widget naar Facebook (mét merknaam doorgetrokken natuurlijk) en kritische updates alle UGC communities inpompen met de technologie van deze gasten : Da’s een abbonementje op een bestaande techniek dus kost weinig voor veel effect. Tot slot de goopglemaps weer intergreren op de eigen site en het circkeltje is rond.
Googlemaps als platform.
Game als aanjager.
Unieke eigen content met waardetoevoeging voor interrailer op googlemaps stapelen: de interstructionals
UGC op hetzelfde platform: ale denkbare info en entertainment op de googlemaps van interrail.
Distributie door intergratie met UGC sites als flickr, youtube etc, widget voor facebook (evt netvibes en plazers, gebruik makend van de Xolo techniek. Evt nog strategisch samenwerken met een media partner die blij wordt van interrailers(treinreismagazines volop lijkt me, en ik neem aan dat de Rails wel een persberictje plaatst, niet?).
klaar lijkt me
Hmm okay en die filmpjes zijn wel 1st person gefilmd en leuk, niet te belerend, gewoon lekker low tech uit de hand gefilmd, beetje grappig wel. Om even het gevoel aan te geven.
Dag Stephan,
Kan je iets zeggen over de reden van deze actie? Hebben jullie bijvoorbeeld de indruk dat een gedeelte van de doelgroep liever kiest voor low-cost-vlieg alternatieven of busreizen of eigen auto’s wellicht? Is er informatie beschikbaar waarom men wel of niet kiest voor interrail? Kan je deze informatie delen?
Als de wensen van de doelgroep veranderen, dan kan je daar ook op inspelen door combinaties te maken met aanbieders van andere producten/diensten. Zo krijgt je eigen dienst meer flexibiliteit.
@multimind je naam doet ook vermoeden dat je in combinaties denkt 😉
Ik ben het met je eens dat ook hier kansen liggen. Gezien de recente transfer van het management van het InterRail product naar onze moeder organisatie, EurailGroup GIE, ligt onze prioriteit in de eerste plaats bij het doorgronden van het product en haar klanten in de huidige vorm. Voor de (nabije) toekomst liggen er legio mogelijkheden voor samenwerking om verder uit te werken om het productaanbod rijker en persoonlijker te maken.
Het willen doorgronden van je doelgroep is een nobel streven. Bereik je met een spel wel je doelgroep? Waar je denk ik naar op zoek bent is niet zoveel mogelijk emailadressen, maar kwalitatief hoogwaardige input vanuit je doelgroep. Welke initiatieven ondernemen jullie richting klanten? Hoe betrekken jullie gewezen en huidige interrailers bij dit traject? Hoe stimuleer je de verstrekking van hoogwaardige input door deze klanten?
@multimind De speler die we tot nu toe hebben getrokken blijken zeker precies in de doelgroep te zitten. Voor het opschalen van het verkeer zal dit mogelijk veranderen. Verder zie ik dat we een hoop dezelfde vragen hebben 🙂 We gaan in eerste instantie aansluiting zoeken op bestaande fora en websites met InterRail-Station. Zodra dit wat loopt zullen we proberen discussies aan te zwengelen. Er zijn verder ook wat offline events waar we op aan gaan haken zodat het niet enkel bij virtuele contacten blijft.
Het antwoord zit in de vraag….
In plaats van het aantrekken van nieuwe klanten, kan je je ook richten op het verkrijgen van hulp van mensen die al interrail-siast zijn…
@multimind we zijn het eens!
hey stephan
leuk dat je het leuk vind. Xolo is idd om met één druk op de knop je content weg te zetten op alle community sites die er toe doen.
Wat misschien aardig is is om te kijken of we niet een interrailer of iets kunnen “werven” om zo’n easy interstructional dingetje te maken (kan je ook zelf doen op amsterdam CS), en dit dan daarna op googlemaps los te laten. Maps kan je dan bij de blog voegen én je kunt dat filmpje naar “seeding points” toe gooien. Dat zijn zeg maar (evt fora van) sites waar je filmpje als content te brengen is (dus waarde toevoegt voor de gebruikers). Reissites van allerlei soort liggen voor de hand. Ook treinsites en eventueel tech-en webhead sites want open source is een contentwaardig fenomeen op zich geworden.
Misschien kan sheena zo’n filmpje seeden? als je het op genoeg seeding points (een stuk of 300) weg zet zal het vanzelf verspreiden in de communities omdat er altijd wél iemand wat aan heeft.
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Chinas imports fell 1.6 percent from a year earlier, reversing a gain of 0.8 percent in April and against market hopes of a 6 percent rise, data released by the General Administration of Customs over the weekend showed. The drop pointed to still weak domestic demand. Exports, however, grew 7 percent year on year in May, from a marginal gain of 0.9 percent in April. クリスチャンルブタン 店舗 オンラインショップ The price of gold slipped US$2 to US$1,275.10 an ounce, and the price of crude oil rose 14 cents to US$95.32 a barrel. chaussure louboutin pas cher “Tencent has lots of ambition on mobile commerce,” said Wang Xiaofeng, a Beijing-based tech analyst with Forrester.
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Honeywell International Incs planned new plant will be able to support the boom in Chinas refining industry in the long term, the US company said yesterday. SHANGHAIS Consumer Price Index rose 2.5 percent from a year earlier in March, down from the 2.7 percent gain in February, the Shanghai Statistics Bureau said yesterday. The pace was largely in line with the national average of 2.4 percent last month, indicating moderate inflationary pressure in the city. Food costs remained the biggest contributor as they rose 4.3 percent in March while prices of transport, healthcare and clothing all dropped, the bureau said. “Shanghais inflation has been well managed, which helps create an amiable environment for the citys economic growth,” said Li Maoyu, analyst at Changjiang Securities Co. In the first quarter, Shanghais consumer prices added 2.7 percent year on year, well below the local government target of 3.5 percent for 2014. In the first two months of this year, Shanghais growth in industrial production, fixed-asset investment and trade all eased. The citys economy grew 7.7 percent last year, equaling the national average and faster than 7.5 percent in 2012. chaussure giuseppe zanotti While the economic growth slowed, peoples proceeds grew at an even weaker pace. Disposable income of Chinas urban residents rose 6.5 percent year on year in the first six months, less than the 9.7 percent a year earlier and behind the economic growth of 7.6 percent in the first half.
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“Chinas service sector has stabilized at a relatively low level of growth,” said Qu Hongbin, chief economist for China at HSBC, pointing out that the profit margin remained squeezed and “without a sustained improvement in demand, service sector growth is likely to stay lackluster, putting downside pressure on employment growth”. Sony Corp and Panasonic Corp, Japans two largest consumer electronics companies, said yesterday that they will end joint development of organic light emitting diode (OLED) television screens, a thinner and brighter type of next-generation display in which South Korean rivals have a head-start. The two companies, which have been scaling back their TV operations after chalking up heavy losses in recent years, will instead focus their efforts on conventional liquid crystal display screens for so-called 4K ultra high-definition televisions which have shown greater promise, company spokesmen said. Sony and Panasonic formed the OLED alliance in June last year with the goal of developing mass-production technology by the end of 2013. Doubts had mounted over the partnerships prospects, however, as it became clear it would miss its target. OLED panels, while used in smartphones and tablets by Samsung Electronics Co, are still considered prohibitively expensive for larger sizes used in televisions. They have not delivered the growth originally envisioned by the Japanese companies and are unlikely to be commercially viable in the near future, the spokesmen said. Both companies displayed 56-inch OLED televisions at this years CES electronics show in January. The spokesmen said they would continue independent efforts to develop OLED technology. LG Electronics Inc, seen the front runner in OLED televisions, has models on the market but they are sharply more costly than comparable LCD televisions and have yet to achieve significant sales. Samsung also markets OLED televisions. giuseppe zanotti sneakers The incident is the latest in a long line for Toyota, which has had to recall millions of vehicles over the last few years, sullying a reputation it once enjoyed for safety and reliability.
“This is catching a lot of bond investors off guard,” said Fehr. He’s been telling clients to trim their holdings on long-term bonds. ナイキ エアマックス But data in the past two months have beaten many optimistic projections and raised hopes of Chinas economic growth rebound in the third quarter. louboutin pas cher homme Germany Ñ whose booming trade surplus faces political pressure from Brussels and from Washington Ñ posted the biggest surplus, of 127.8 billion euros between January and August this year.
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Kindly remind you that you have reached your weekly limit of 20 free stories. to sign up for our 1-week trial. Analysts projected faster growth in industrial production, fixed-asset investment and retail, whose data will be combined for January and February to eliminate the effects of the Spring Festival holiday. giuseppe zanotti pas cher HENDERSON Group Plc and TIAA-CREF, the manager of investments for employees of nonprofit institutions, agreed to combine their European and Asian real estate businesses to form a venture with 13 billion pounds (US$20 billion) of assets under management.
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“The market was dragged down by heavyweights such as financial companies and steelmakers that have surged in previous sessions as investors locked in profits ahead of the release of first-quarter economic data,” said Shenyin & Wanguo Securities. To cope with the challenges of rising costs, Jeff Dobbs, a KPMG senior executive, said firms have to integrate their supply chain to minimize problems when some manufacturers moved their plants to inland cities. giuseppe zanotti sneakers “The Internet is certainly not a direct rival to banks and fund companies, and there is no guarantee of increased subscription volumes even if these wealth management products are sold through innovative channels,” said Fu Weiwei, an analyst with CN Benefit.
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As of Sunday, 262,000 square meters of new homes were sold in Shanghai in August, up 12.8 percent from the same period a month ago, said Century 21 China Real Estate in a report. In the yuan-denominated version, foreign trade volume last month was 2.34 trillion yuan, up 7.3 percent from January 2013. giuseppe zanotti homme “The increase is driven by much higher food prices during the Spring Festival holiday,” Lu said. “But even if the increase is mainly due to seasonal factors, such a sharp increase will induce worries on inflation.”
The phenomenon of “inflation dichotomy” will soon be manifested. We anticipate that disinflationary or even deflationary forces in the industrial sector would accelerate in 2014 as Chinas overcapacity problem remains unresolved. Meanwhile, property prices would continue marching north. It will be very challenging for the central bank to formulate a policy response against contradicting price signals. ルイヴィトン バッグ The social networking site bucked the trend for companies reporting in the first quarter. Most are exceeding analysts’ expectations on earnings, but falling short on revenue. chaussure louboutin pas cher “We think its more efficient and effective for both Aon and Manchester United,” Aon Vice President David Prosperi said.
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chaussure giuseppe zanotti The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said Heilongjiang Wondersun Dairy Co discovered a “higher-than-expected” level of nitrate in the lactoferrin it imported from Westland, according to a statement on its website today. chaussure air jordan “A moderate inflation leaves leeway for policy stimulus but the government is unlikely to take measures as China shows greater tolerance for slower expansion,” Li said. Gansu Qilianshan Cement Group Co gained among cement producers, rising 6.1 percent to 8.29 yuan as cement prices rebounded slightly last week. China Petroleum & Chemical Corp jumped 4.6 percent to 4.33 yuan. Most property developers declined. Poly Real Estate, China’s second-largest developer, fell 2.8 percent to 10.12 yuan. Gemdale Corp slumped 4.4 percent to 6.79 yuan. fitflop outlet Forty-six banks in Taiwan have signed yuan-clearing agreements and opened clearing and settlement accounts with Bank of China (Taipei). On February 6, when the yuan business in Taiwan officially began, deposits totaled 1.3 billion yuan.
“The market was dragged down by heavyweights such as financial companies and steelmakers that have surged in previous sessions as investors locked in profits ahead of the release of first-quarter economic data,” said Shenyin & Wanguo Securities. “Usually, it takes around one to three years at the least to conclude FTA talks with a large trading partner,” Choi said. giuseppe zanotti sneakers femme Some analysts, such as Mark Lipacis at Jefferies LLC, are more optimistic about AMD’s chances in the PC market, saying it could take market share from Intel with new processors aimed at notebook computers that will retail at US$300 to US$500. The company also has an opportunity to siphon sales from rival graphics-chip maker Nvidia Corp, Lipacis wrote in a report.
The debt inspectors were due to meet Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras later yesterday to discuss the public sector reforms as well as the stalled merger between Greek lenders National Bank and Eurobank, the country’s largest and third-largest by assets once other planned acquisitions are completed. ナイキ エアマックス Property developers also declined. Poly Real Estate, China’s second-largest home builder, fell 3.1 percent to 12.27 yuan. Gemdale Corporation shrank 3.4 percent to 7.29 yuan. louboutin pas cher The Google-backed company now operates in Guangzhou and Shenzhen besides Shanghai.
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Bernsteins Neil Beveridge said he expects cash from the divestment to be used to build a bigger and better upstream business. The Continent is still a long way from safe-harbor territory, but its recovery may be on course. A reliable growth gauge known as the Markit’s Flash Euro Zone Composite Purchasing Managers’ Index rose this month to its highest level since March 2012, topping forecasts. In addition, the United States and the European Union on Monday began talks on a free-trade agreement that could boost American and EU gross domestic product by US$100 billion annually. sneakers giuseppe zanotti According to MNI, companies continued to report they were being hurt by the exchange rate in April, however, the negative impact softened for the second straight month. The recent depreciation of the yuan appears to have improved sentiment among exporters.
To that end, industry-watchers are expecting a raft of improvements in the new Xbox when Microsoft unveils it at its Redmond, Washington, headquarters tomorrow, from closer integration with the TV and link-ups with mobile devices to access to new and even exclusive content. エアジョーダン The new spending was set to be announced by Chief Executive Jeff Immelt yesterday. chaussures louboutin pas cher The pilot FTZ in Shanghai, a testing ground for major policy reforms, trade facilitation and financial innovations such as yuan convertibility and liberal interest rates, started on September 29. It aims to boost the countrys economic development and help Shanghai become a global financial and trading center.
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Kindly remind you that your 1-week free trial has expired. Thank you for your interest in our products. In December, Koh refused to order a sales ban on the products the jury found infringed Apple’s patents. She said Apple failed to prove the purloined technology is what drove consumers to buy a Samsung product instead of an Apple iPhone or iPad. Samsung says that it is still selling just three of the two dozen products found to have infringed Apple’s patents. sneakers giuseppe zanotti Brent crude, a benchmark for many international oil varieties, rose US$1.18 to end at US$103.24 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange in London.
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At the annual session of the National Peoples Congress next week, China will announce its economic growth target for this year, which is expected to be kept unchanged at 7.5 percent. chaussure tn pas cher The Consumer Price Index, the main gauge of inflation, reached an eight-month high of 3.2 percent in October, but it was still within a safe level. Septembers figure was 3.1 percent. The surplus may continue to widen and will add appreciation pressure on the yuan in the future, said Lian Ping, chief economist with the Bank of Communications. “We think the yuan will be less likely to shed further.” Jonathan Cavenagh, an analyst at Westpac Banking Corp, said the bank is now more upbeat about the yuan due to better outlook for leading economic indicators, further improvement in the trade surplus, and stronger-than-expected onshore yuan fixing. boutique hollister The average cost of these homes, meanwhile, stood at 19,501 yuan (US$3,197) per square meter, down 0.4 percent month-over-month and up 13.4 percent from same period a year earlier. hollister clearance But the largest investors may also have more to lose if the situation worsens.
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Strategic buyers have remained cautious, and we have not seen a rebound in activity in the second quarter after the (national) leadership changes took effect, said Andrew Li, PwC Central China Advisory leader. requin tn pas cher Thanks to its central position and its rail, road and waterway networks it is better-positioned than other cities to become Chinas Detroit minus the bankruptcy, said Peng Zhimin, a regional economics researcher at the Hubei office of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences who advises the provincial government. air jordan femme While Baidu has sufficient cash to fund the US$1.9 billion needed for acquiring 91 Wireless, it will be more tax efficient for Baidu to raise offshore funding through the issuance of notes, the report said. chemise hollister Compared with other Chinese cities, Shanghai has solid economic fundamentals and is more resilient in the face of difficult times, Xu said. “Shanghai has been faring well in controlling risks, keeping growth steady and inflation low.” Shanghai’s Consumer Price Index rose 2.5 percent from a year earlier in March, largely in line with the national average of 2.4 percent, according to the Shanghai Statistics Bureau.
The non-manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index rose to 56.3 in October from 55.4 in September, the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said yesterday. It was the highest figure in 12 months. tn air max 2014 pas cher But yesterday a diplomatic solution seemed at hand after Syria said it had accepted a deal pushed by Russia and based on comments by US Secretary of State John Kerry to put its chemical weapons under international control for their later dismantling. The Anglo-Dutch firm is already the largest LNG supplier to China among international energy majors, as part of a consortium that began supplying the super-chilled fuel to Chinas first terminal in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province from Australia in 2006. hollister france Kindly remind you that you have reached your weekly limit of 20 free stories. to sign up for our 1-week trial. hollister outlet sale China CITIC Bank, China Construction Bank, China Mingsheng Banking Corp, and the Industrial Bank have brought the case to court for claims from Jiangsu Salt, according to a statement by the state-owned salt company.
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When investing activities weaken, revenue and orders will drop across all construction-related sectors and lower the utilization rate of these industries. Lower utilization will depress margins and increase working capital requirements across industries, and marginal players may become unprofitable and even financially vulnerable. This will set the stage for consolidation. chaussures louboutin pas cher By comparison, the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note was 1.79 percent yesterday, down slightly from 1.80 percent late Wednesday. mulberry bags outlet The president said he expects Bulgaria’s economy will grow 1.8 percent this year and 3.5 percent in 2015. veste abercrombie Toyota said yesterday that it would raise employees pay by an average of 2,700 yen (US$26) a month, while they would also get an average bonus worth about 6.8 months of their base wage a common pay structure in Japan. fitflop walkstar THE number of pilots in China rose 13 percent last year, but with commercial aviation booming there is still a major shortage, new figures reveal.
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The obvious way for China to accelerate service sector growth is through deregulation and de-monopolization. State-owned enterprises have a disproportionally large presence in the service sector, accounting for one-third of the firms and three-quarters of jobs. For the manufacturing sector, the respective shares are just 2 percent and 12.5 percent. Besides, various surveys on the service sector have consistently shown that the No. 1 obstacle faced by private players is too much government interference. These are the exact issues that Shanghais pilot zone intends to tackle. But for a university professor in Beijing the bite in its logo implies “Apple’s lack of gratitude toward its Chinese consumers.” Liu Junhai, a professor at Renmin University of China, made the remarks during CCTV’s investigative reports last week on Apple’s unfair after-sales policy in China. zanotti femme pas cher European Central Bank head Mario Draghi said that the partial US government shutdown was a risk to economic recoveries in the US and globally. Estimates suggest that a shutdown of two weeks could shave 0.3 percentage point from US fourth quarter growth, according to analysts at Credit Agricole CIB in Hong Kong.
Also yesterday, Greece has raised 1.3 billion euros (US$1.7 billion) in an auction of six-month treasury bills at an interest rate of 4.25 percent, unchanged from an auction last month, the government’s Public Debt Management Agency said. エアジョーダン 専門店 Shipyards are struggling with overcapacity and declining demand amid a weak global economy, as well as inflation and rising labor costs. Orders for new ships tumbled 43.6 percent last year to 20.41 million deadweight tons in China, according to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. chaussures louboutin “But they mainly focus on tightening home purchase restrictions and mortgage lending,” Zhu wrote in a note. “These measures have been in place for several years and the marginal impact is limited. In addition, supply-side measures seem to lag.” He said regional divergence, with tier-1 cities facing an under-supply situation due to tighter policies, had been remarkable in this round of price increases, different from the 2009-2010 housing boom.
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Media reported that a corporate stock trading and financing platform may be created in the free trade zone in the citys Pudong District, which will allow foreign-invested companies to issue seasoned equity offerings to domestic investors outside the free trade zone, while domestic companies can sell shares to foreign buyers, the 21st Century Business Herald reported today. escarpins louboutin The regulator said sale of wealth management products should be video recorded to protect consumers rights. mulberry handbags sale The State Council released a document last week that encouraged the central bank, the Ministry of Commerce and the customs to work together to stabilize trade. hollister france CITIC Bank yesterday rose 2.65 percent in Hong Kong to HK$4.26 (56 US cents) and 0.53 percent in Shanghai to 3.78 yuan (62 US cents). fitflop sale uk Under market rules, major shareholders of non-tradable stocks are subject to a lock-up period of one or two years before they are permitted to sell their shares.
Sri Lanka and China will finalize a free-trade agreement ahead of a Commonwealth summit in Colombo in November, a government minister said yesterday. requin tn pas cher A value-added-tax invoice system has been introduced for enterprises registered in the zone to prevent tax fraud. jordan pas cher femme MONTHLY land sales in Shanghai fell below 10 billion yuan (US$1.6 billion) for the first time in a year as supply volume declined by double digits. robe hollister But the sales of these goods in the fourth quarter contributed 32 percent of the total sales volume in the past year due to a shopping spree during the Singles Day shopping splurge in November and ahead of the New Year.
The average price of new homes in 100 cities climbed 0.38 percent last month from February to 11,002 yuan (US$1,773) per square meter, the 22nd straight month-on-month gain. tn pas cher france Overseas investors seemed to regain their appetite for local properties, while financial institutions were the most active among domestic investors, said Jim Yip, managing director of investment and advisory service at DTZ China. “Office buildings remained the most sought-after property.” For the full year, overseas buyers comprised about 48 percent of the en-bloc investment market in Shanghai. Office properties accounted for 59 percent of transactions, according to Jones Lang LaSalle. The data provided the latest evidence of a gradual retreat in market sentiment as home seekers felt less panicky in April compared to a hectic March. abercrombie france Today, 20 percent of China’s 98,000 kilometers of expressways are funded by the central government and the rest by the private sector or local governments, according to Zhou. hollister sale clearance WEIRD as it may seem, new energy-related companies listed in China are now being categorized as “Tesla concept stocks” even though their businesses dont necessarily have anything to do with the US electric carmaker of that name.
Analysts said the results were largely in line with the nations economic performance, which reported many multi-year lows of real activity data in the January-February period. escarpins louboutin pas cher A record number of suppliers are participating in the 2013 Shanghai Private Label Fair as they seek to tap demand from retailers. mulberry bag sale Small-company and technology stocks did worse than the overall market. abercrombie paris soldes Auto industry leaders must make their employees secure enough to think outside the box and get out of their comfort zone. I believe this will increase innovation and productivity, said Xiao. fitflop slippers The timing for the government to introduce stimulus measures to bolster economic growth has yet to come as Beijing showed more tolerance for economic slowdown, Xiangcai Securities said in a report.
China has been trying to set up a deposit insurance system as part of its financial reforms, which could be realized by the end of this year. This will allow the PBOC to free up deposit rates that are now subject to administrative caps. クリスチャンルブタン 店舗 オンラインショップ Print + Digital Subscription Digital Subscription Free Sign-up Visitors Newspaper PDF Website access 1-week trial limited Mobile apps Newsletter Price RMB 820/year RMB 500/year Free Free. escarpins louboutin CATHAY Pacific Airways Ltd yesterday said its annual profit tumbled by more than 80 percent because of high jet fuel prices, global economic uncertainty and weak demand for air cargo.
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Investors may be getting more comfortable with the prospect of the Fed cutting back on its stimulus as long as the economy is also improving, said Jim Dunigan, a managing executive at PNC Wealth Management. The stock market’s biggest setbacks this year have come when investors worried that Fed policy makers were close to paring their US$85 billion per month in bond purchases, which are intended to keep interest rates low. air max pas cher homme Since this column touched on the challenges facing industry players last June, the baijiu sector has, like a drunkard staggering around in his vomit, lurched from one crisis to another. The cumulative effect of all the negative developments was that the stock prices of baijiu makers plunged. The stock of industry leader, Kweichow Moutai, closed at 200.25 yuan (US$32.3) per share on May 30, down from its 52-week high of 266.08 yuan per share, according to CapitalVue data. The company has backed Michael Dell’s proposal and said Icahn doesn’t have adequate financing for his plan. Shareholders will vote on the buyout offer at the annual meeting on July 18. abercrombie soldes In the last decade real estate investment opportunities outside of China (cross-border) have increasingly attracted Chinese capital. In 2003, only 2 percent of all Chinese capital invested in real estate went overseas. By 2012 this figure had already risen to 26 percent, Jones Lang LaSalle data showed. hollister clearance uk Rising lending costs that pointed to tighter liquidity also weighed on the market.
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A: China is incredibly important to us. We see the number of Chinese clients doing business abroad growing by the year. We want to be part of that growth. We have commitment to China. It is overtaking the US as the number one investor in many countries, and I think that trend will continue. China is a big engine in the Asia-Pacific, not just for this decade but for this century. Q: How do you view the China market in terms of increasing demand for legal services? A: In the last 20 years, we have seen a great revolution in the way Chinese clients face international business. Chinese clients are more aware of issues like taxation and compliance overseas. They have also learned to choose their partners more carefully when they do joint ventures in other countries. It is a learning curve for Chinese clients. The legal departments in China, in my perception, have become more sophisticated and are better trained. Younger members of legal departments are very skilled in international business and they have studied in many jurisdictions. Chinese companies are very cost-conscious. But it is not just Chinese companies. All companies today need to control their costs, and service providers need to be wiser on everything from investing and pricing to management. Everyone has the same pressure, especially after the global financial crisis. China Eastern said the new carrier would buy 18 Airbus A320 jets over the first three years of operation. The Jetstar Hong Kong venture is expected to fly short-haul routes to China’s mainland, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia. giuseppe zanotti sneakers femme Overall revenue fell 1 percent to US$945.7 million well below the US$996.2 million expected.
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Nine banks, including China’s five largest state-owned commercial banks and four joint-stock banks, submit the lending rate they charge their best clients on a daily basis, and China’s inter-bank funding center will calculate and publish a weighted average rate based on the submissions, the People’s Bank of China said in a statement today. tn pas cher homme The key Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.44 percent to 2,221.42 points by midday. The turnover was 42.7 billion yuan (US$6.9 billion). Banks will quote the rates offered to their best quality clients, which will be calculated and published as an average by the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS). hollister pas cher With few exceptions, Asian companies are portrayed as having rude staff and inflexible procedures, and are unresponsive to service requests all of which are “frustrating clients.” “Its no longer the question of having access to goods and services, now they have choice and disposable income … so service becomes the new differentiator,” said Wilson Chin, Verints marketing vice president for Asia-Pacific. hollister uk stores The key Shanghai Composite Index lost 1.17 percent, or 25.79 points, to 2,184.87. Turnover was 81.6 billion yuan (US$13.4 billion) by the noon break.
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The deal boosts COSCOs investments in the port to 500 million euros and Piraeus will be able to handle up to 6.2 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) per year, three times the 2.1 million TEUs handled by PCT in 2012, the Greek side noted. chaussures louboutin pas cher The average price of a Samsung smartphone this year will likely be US$275, down 9 percent from 2013, according to Chung Chang-won, an analyst at Nomura Financial Investment. mulberry bag sale Q: How do you plan to win in the fiercely competitive Chinese smartphone market? A: As a challenger, we will cooperate more with partners like Suning and China Unicom. abercrombie france Where better to go searching for the money to further those interests than the world’s second-largest economy and a country that has piles of cash to invest around the globe? fitflop slippers China’s gross domestic product expanded 7.7 percent in the first three months, slowing from 7.9 percent in 2012’s final quarter and falling short of expectations of a mild economic recovery.
The loss of fertility is a slow-burning threat to crop yields at a time when importers are counting on the worlds No. 3 corn and soybean supplier to increase output to help meet the boom in demand expected over the decades ahead. nike tn requin The key Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.25 percent to 2,102.38 points. Turnover stood at 69.8 billion (US$11.4 billion) by the noon break. jordan femme pas cher The sub-indices for production, new orders and employment are above the overall index, indicating continued momentum for the economy to rebound in a gentle way, said Lu Zhengwei, chief economist at the China Industrial Bank. hollister pas cher SHANGHAI General Motors Co will recall 194,107 Excelle GT vehicles over defects in the headlight system, Chinas top quality supervisor said yesterday.
The first-quarter growth exceeded market estimate of 7.3 percent. However, it slowed compared to the 7.7-percent growth in the fourth quarter. tn pas cher Companies will operate more efficiently with fewer administrative approval procedures and enjoy more freedom in foreign exchange management, said Lian Ping, chief economist of Bank of Communications. “However, there could be more short-term fluctuations on the foreign exchange market when the exchange rate changes.” The duties would be effective for six months, but would be prolonged for five years if the EUs 28 member states make a final ruling by May 27 next year to do so, the commission said. doudoune abercrombie In the Pudong CBD, strong demand from domestic companies continued to pursue limited available space, pushing the vacancy rate down to 3.5 percent, or the lowest level since Q4 2007, said Anny Zhang, head of Pudong markets for Jones Lang LaSalle Shanghai. “Steady rental growth in Pudong CBD is expected to persist throughout 2014. Puxi may also benefit as tight supply conditions in Lujiazui could cause some Pudong demand to spill over to Puxi.” hollister sale uk He concentrated on using European grape varieties and imposed European style quality controls, said Pardoe. “The 2008 vintage we have bought, you really can’t tell it is Chinese.” Lenovo Group Ltd, which officially became the worlds No. 1 personal computer vendor in the quarter ended in June, posted a 23 percent jump in net profit in the period, the company said yesterday.
Todays emerging buyer has more modest financial means, yet aspires to own a car thats “different.” People like Zhou Wenxi, a 32-year-old Shanghai cram-school owner, and Guo Yetao, 23, a software salesman from Hangzhou, are fuelling two trends: hot demand for smaller crossover sport utility vehicles like Ford Motor Cos EcoSport; and more interest in affordable, entry-level luxury cars like the Audi. chaussure louboutin pas cher The index was weighed down by a slump in Intel. The chipmaker fell after a Citigroup analyst wrote that weak PC sales and waning demand for smartphones would stunt the company’s growth. Intel, which makes up 2.2 percent of the Nasdaq, fell 88 cents, or 3.6 percent, to US$23.18. mulberry outlet store Alibaba Group, which is also the founder of Alipay, was an investor in the first round of financing for Kuaidi Taxi. boutique abercrombie paris The cross-department financial regulatory system will report to the Cabinet, and its creation will not affect the role of current supervisory bodies as it would not be a policymaker. fitflop slippers To continue using full functionality of our site, please below.
The settlement stems from the sale of securities made up of subprime mortgages, which fueled both the housing boom and bust that triggered the Great Recession at the end of 2007. Citigroup and other banks downplayed the risks of subprime mortgages when packaging and selling them to mutual funds, investment trusts, pensions, as well as other banks and investors. エアマックス95 The Shanghai Composite Index shed 0.11 percent, or 2.47 points, to 2,242.17 points. louboutin chaussures Representatives of three solar panel giants, Yingli Green Energy Holdings Co, Trina Solar Ltd and Canadian Solar Inc, held a press conference yesterday in Beijing, lashing out at the EU penalties and calling for free trade.
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Brazil’s US$2.5 trillion economy will grow by 2.93 percent this year, down from the previous estimate of 2.98 percent, according to the survey. The 14th Western China International Fair, the largest trade fair in the region, will run from October 23-27 in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province. The fair will have 180,000 square meters of show space. giuseppe zanotti homme OPEC, which produces about 35 percent of the worlds oil, said in a report yesterday that it now expected demand to total 90.98 million barrels per day.
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Kindly remind you that your 1-week free trial has expired. Thank you for your interest in our products. The positive net trade was, however, more than offset by a sharp fall in investment, which subtracted 0.3 percentage points from the overall final figure, leaving it at -0.2 percent. giuseppe zanotti paris The yield on the 10-year US Treasury bond, which moves inversely to its price, fell to 1.96 percent from 1.99 percent as investors moved money into low-risk investments. Yields on bonds issued by Spain and Italy, the two most vulnerable large European economies, rose but only slightly. Spain’s benchmark 10-year yield rose to 4.97 percent from 4.91 percent, and Italy’s rose to 4.57 percent from 4.55 percent.
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Ecuador has been in talks with China’s biggest oil producer for a year about funding the 300,000 barrel-per-day Pacifico project, which aims to start output in 2017 and is a joint venture between Ecuador and Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA. nike tn 2014 Bigger strides in the pace of hiring are needed to propel wage gains and drive the US economy at the same time Americans contend with higher taxes. Limited job openings indicate firms may be reluctant to add staff amid signs the expansion is slackening this quarter. By next year we expect them to be No. 6, ahead of Australia, Chile and a lot of countries. We are very happy about that, he said. “Why? Because the more a country produces, the more wine a country drinks, and the more it drinks, the more it imports. This is the story of America 50 years ago.” abercrombie soldes Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development Co, operator of two of the four bonded zones that have been included in Shanghais pilot free trade zone, surged 10 percent for eight days in a row to 28.95 yuan. hollister sale outlet With the economy recovering, there is now a favorable window to push forward with structural reform, in particular financial liberalization, encouraging labor mobility and tax reform, the OECD said.
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A question is whether the yuan will continue its climb, or at least maintain its status as a top 10 currency for payments, Franck de Praetere, head of payments and trade markets at SWIFT for Asia Pacific, said in the report. nike air max pas cher UK parents take risks to help kids buy propertyFirst-time buyers in the UK are increasingly dependent on support from their parents, who in turn risk their own financial future to help their children get on the property ladder, CNBC television reported. Minea said the Chinese will do it their way: set up offices in Romania, inspect the farms, make sure the livestock is disease-free and if they are satisfied give credits to the breeders. abercrombie pas cher An excessive focus on investing in residential property construction in Singapore and Hong Kong may help to explain why these economies have higher capital stocks per worker than the US, yet lag on productivity and were the regions weakest performers on this metric between 2011 and 2013. hollister sale uk Via energized routes covered by the network of Tesla Superchargers, which can replenish half a charge in about 20 minutes, Models S owners will be able to drive coast-to-cost in the US for free.
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SHANGHAI stocks declined yesterday amid concern about China’s economic outlook and market liquidity. The Shanghai Composite Index shed 5.83 points, or 0.27 percent, to end at 2,156.22. requin tn pas cher The company sees Chinas slowing economic growth, fierce market competition and peoples uncertainty over the Internet as a recruitment channel as challenges confronting the business outlook. air jordan spizike It is high time for China to roll out certain accommodative policies to prevent a structural economic slowdown, Li said. veste hollister Investors took profit in small-cap shares, analysts at Guangzhou Wanlong Securities Consulting Co said.
Weak economic data signaled downward pressure on economy in the short term and heightened concerns that economic slowdown may continue in the second quarter, Ping An Securities said in a note today. requin tn pas cher SHANGHAI stocks edged up in morning trading as upbeat trade data eased concern over economic slowdown. For investors who expect the Fed to stay the course, “these types of slow economic growth reports speak to that,” said Kevin Mahn, chief investment officer at Hennion & Walsh Asset Management. “It keeps interest rates at record lows and it keeps the equity markets humming.” hollister soldes The Chinese company’s US-based subsidiary Ralls Corp. last year filed a complaint against Obama and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) for blocking its owning of four wind farms in Oregon. hollister uk outlet But inflationary pressure continued to build up as Chinas October Consumer Price Index rose 3.2 percent the fastest pace since February.
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The plane returned to Singapore and landed with limited controls, stopping just 150 meters before the end of the runway with four blown tires, brakes heated to 900 degrees Celsius and fuel leaking. nike air max pas cher It’s hard to say if July’s figures are a blip or the start of an upward trend for Yahoo. The company is in the midst of a turnaround orchestrated by CEO Marissa Mayer. Mayer, who recently clocked in a year at the helm of the Internet company, has described her plan for Yahoo as a “series of sprints” that will take several years to finish. While the number of cities registering price gains remained little changed from a month earlier, the pace has decelerated, said Liu Jianwei, a senior statistician at the bureau. boutique hollister I’ve wanted to upgrade my house for a long time, but I am still not sure whether I should hurry and try to stitch up a deal before new measures come in, said Christine Yang, a 28-year-old secretary with a state-owned company, who finds her current two-bedroom apartment too small as her son grows up. hollister outlet uk 3. Fiscal reform Fiscal reform is aimed at striking a better balance between revenue and spending at both central and local levels. It encompasses reforms in the tax system and measures to deal with local government debt loads.
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During the show, AVIC said it will highlight its key exports and development in cutting-edge technologies, and feature achievements by China’s aviation sector in technological innovations as well as globalization. tn pas cher france Five years ago stevia, a low-calorie sweetener made from the leaves of a Paraguayan plant, was heralded as an ideal natural sweetener. But it has had only limited success. basket jordan femme In addition, affiliates of China Resources purchased more vehicles than permitted and their prices went far beyond stipulated limits, the office said. abercrombie pas cher By the end of 2013, the number of small and micro enterprises totaled 370,000 in Shanghai, accounting for 97.1 percent of the total incorporated enterprises and contributing to 54 percent of the employment.
June’s reading was also the average for the second quarter, behind the 54.9 average in the first quarter of this year and the worst showing since the third quarter of 2012. tn pas cher france The authorities have stated that reforming resource product pricing is a major part of a comprehensive deepening reform in 2014, including electricity, natural gas, water and railway cargo prices, Zhu said. “As food inflation is relatively calm, the government could take the opportunity to move faster in the reform area.” Zhang said the low inflation may allow for more policy easing in the second quarter. Slym said Tata has overhauled its manufacturing process to ensure fewer problems after cars roll off the assembly line. To convince customers that the changes are real, it is offering to buy back its Manza sedan at 60 percent of the purchase price after three years. And it has added features such as peppier engines, touch screens and satellite navigation in its more expensive models. hollister pas cher Mandarin is expected to be a subject for the second level school system, he said. hollister sale uk The Consumer Price Index, the main gauge of inflation, expanded 2.5 percent from a year earlier last month, the National Bureau of Statistics said yesterday.
The Conference Board, a New York-based private research group, said yesterday that its consumer confidence index dipped to 80.3 in July. Thats down from a reading of 82.1 in June, which was revised slightly higher and the best reading since January 2008. louboutin chaussures The group reported a margin of 22.6 percent in 2012. mulberry bag sale The NCD, or large denomination certificates of deposit tradeable on the interbank market, would be offered with maturities from three to six months and be priced with a premium over the Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate (Shibor), the sources said. veste abercrombie Parent company Suntory Holdings which also distributes other foreign names including Jim Beam bourbon in the domestic market spun off the lucrative non-alcoholic unit as it eyes more foreign acquisitions. fitflops sale uk The recent economic fluctuations around the globe have led to falling prices of commodities. But with the stabilization of United States and European economies, which in turn support the Chinese performance, inflation in China will strengthen, Lian said.
Qu Hongbin, chief economist at HSBC, said: “The decline in input prices suggests a modest pace of demand recovery and moderating inflationary pressures. This, plus the lingering external headwinds, implies that Chinese policy makers should maintain a relatively accommodative policy stance.” London Mayor Boris Johnson led a delegation on a three-day visit to Shanghai last week to drum up investment interest in the British capital. tn pas cher femme THE yuan yesterday hit the strongest against the US dollar in 19 years after the greenback weakened on concerns the US may extend an easier monetary stance over its worsening economic outlook. air jordan hommes The senior unsecured notes were sold at a yield of 3.29 percent in New York, marking Baidus second bond sale in eight months. The company sold notes at a yield of 2.27 percent in November last year. boutique hollister SHANGHAI Pudong Development Bank suspended trading in Shanghai yesterday, as it made an announcement about its plan to acquire Shanghai International Trust Co.
The plant is the German company’s fourth liquid-crystal mixing plant in Asia, joining plants in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Total investment in the Jinqiao-based project is “double-digit million euros,” the company said, adding customer proximity is essential for the liquid-crystal business. air max tn pas cher The service was extended after the central bank announced in late February that cross-border cash pooling in yuan would no longer be limited by quotas or administrative approvals. It was a bid to help businesses in the Shanghai pilot free trade zone to improve their capital management. It attributed the drop to food prices, especially for vegetables. Prices for fresh vegetables dropped 13.8 percent in May from April, helping to drag down the month-on-month CPI by 0.5 percentage points, it said. chemise hollister Among the 10 best sellers, a Greentown project in Waigaoqiao, the Pudong New Area, sold 114 units last week for an average price of 43,900 yuan a square meter. Poly Real Estate, meanwhile, unloaded 18 units at one of its projects in Longhua, Xuhui District, for an average price of 75,994 yuan per square meter, Uwin data showed. hollister uk sale China Vanke, the nation’s largest listed property developer, fell 6.56 percent. Poly Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., another real estate giant, fell by 8.51 percent.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.4 percent, or 7.66 points, to 2,020.38. Turnover was 28.8 billion yuan (US$4.6 billion) by midday. louboutin pas cher femme In other energy futures trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange: mulberry uk sale Starting this year, GSK China restructured its compensation program for its sales force, hoping to eliminate the impetus for wrongdoing. Under the new program, bonuses for sales professionals are no longer based on achieving individual sales targets. Instead, all sales employees will be evaluated according to their technical knowledge, quality of service and adherence to the company values of transparency and integrity, the firm said in a statement. hollister pas cher The biofuel underwent several rounds of tests before it was given the green light, Xu said. fitflop shoes By the end of the first quarter, Lenovo’s PC market share expanded 2.1 percent from a year ago to 17.7 percent. PC sales jumped 5 percent annually to hit 55 million units even though industrywide sales dropped 8 percent due to competition from tablet computers and smartphones.
I think the biggest opportunity provided by the SOE reform is the re-allocation of state-owned assets, during which state-owned capital will exit from some competitive industries while enhancing its presence in other sectors, such as resources and social security. tn pas cher The central parity rate of the yuan against the U.S. dollar is based on a weighted average of prices before the opening of the market each business day. jordan pas cher femme But there are few signs the restrictions have improved the Chinese stock investor culture. Instead, value-oriented investors have largely exited mainland stocks, putting their money into real estate and high-yielding wealth management products, both widely considered one-way bets. hollister soldes For NEVS President Matthias Bergman, only bold action will resurrect a more than 60-year-old brand, which pioneered such auto innovations as side-impact protection, heated seats and headlight washers, but which was hurt by high labor costs and lost its quirky image under General Motors ownership.
China Unicom also plans to launch the FDD-LTE (frequency-division duplexing) after the government issues licenses for that standard. This will then allow the telco to compete more effectively with China Mobile. nike air max pas cher The seven-day Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate, a gauge of funding costs, declined for a third straight day, falling 15.70 basis points to 5.02 percent this morning, data from the National Interbank Funding Center showed. The deal is also seen as a prelude to Imax Chinas planned initial public offering in Hong Kong, analysts said. hollister femme Consumer prices rose 2.8 percent from a year earlier, compared with 2.7 percent in January, the Office for National Statistics said in London yesterday. That matched the median of 35 estimates in a Bloomberg News survey. Producer prices gained 0.8 percent from January, the most since April 2011. hollister outlet sale Chinas annual economic growth is likely to accelerate to 8.2 percent in 2014 from an expected 7.7 percent this year, driven by stronger domestic demand, the OECD said yesterday.
GLOBAL automakers are scrambling to meet the demands of Chinas young urban professionals, who want a car that makes them stand out, yet dont always have the money to splurge on a top-end model. chaussures louboutin pas cher Economists had expected consumer inflation to increase 0.3 percent last month. mulberry outlet store The ceiling price for 92-octane gasoline rises to 7.82 yuan (US$1.28) per liter from 7.77 yuan while 95-octane climbs to 8.32 yuan from 8.26 yuan. The price for zero-grade diesel is now 7.72 yuan per liter from 7.66 yuan. abercrombie soldes The purchases of new residential properties, excluding government-subsidized affordable housing, jumped 45.9 percent to 199,800 square meters during the seven-day period ended Sunday, the highest in 10 weeks, Shanghai Uwin Real Estate Information Services Co said in a report released today. fitflop walkstar The latest food safety issues come a week after Frances Danone said it was suing Fonterra for compensation after the French food producer recalled its infant formula brands in Asia.
Microsoft also signed a deal with Lenovo on cloud services yesterday. In June, Microsoft launched its cloud services for Office 365 and Windows Azure through partner 21Vianet. 激安エアマックス S&P Dow Jones Indices said the change won’t disrupt the level of the industrial average. It said it made the change to diversify the sector and industry group representation of the index. escarpin louboutin pas cher It noted that the Indian rupee has lost nearly one-third of its value against the US dollar, in which oil is priced, in recent months due to speculation that the US Federal Reserve will soon begin tapering its asset-purchasing program.
mulberry outlet shops Chang Jian, an economist at Barclays, said the index fell more than expected. tn france The key Shanghai Composite Index added 7.79 points, or 0.35 percent, to 2,224.80. Turnover was 66.7 billion yuan (US$10.9 billion) at the trading close. chaussure louboutin pas cher Shanghai shares declined for three trading days since Friday, closing at a seven-day low today as the free-trade zone concept stocks failed to play their magic. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index fell 2.05 percent to 2,185.56 points. Turnover was 132.4 billion yuan (US$ 21.63 billion) today. “The recent rally had nothing to do with the profits of cyclical industries. It was mainly driven by the speculation of heavily-weighted but undervalued stocks,” said Deng Eryong, an analyst with Changjing Securities. Deng predicted that the September economic data would not be as good as that of August. The Shanghai Composite Index has climbed more than 10 percent from its lowest on June 27 as statistics showed faster growth in exports and industrial output and investors capitalized on the Shanghai free trade zone newly approved by the State Council. However, most FTZ-related stocks plunged today, except Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development Co, which continued to rise 4.84 percent to 44.44 yuan today from 14.85 yuan on August 30. Shanghai International Port Co dived almost by the daily limit of 10 percent to 5.87 yuan after media reports said UBS AG had downgraded the stock to sell. Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone Development Co fell 7.46 percent to 13.28 yuan. According to China’s leading financial data provider Wind Information, investors have spent more than 300 million yuan on four FTZ-concept stocks so far this month. The stocks have high price/earnings ratios but are not profitable. Shares of Suning Commerce Co, China’s largest home appliances retailer, rose 3.8 percent to 10.65 yuan on the Shenzhen market after the registered name of Suning Bank was approved by industry supervisor. The retailer will be the largest shareholder of China’s first privately owned bank. China’s purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for the manufacturing sector dropped to 51 percent in December, down from 51.4 percent for November, according to official data released today. A reading below 50 indicates contraction, while that above 50 signals expansion. The monthly indicator is released by the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.
giuseppe zanotti Non-ferrous metals producers also advanced. Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-earth Group, China’s biggest producer of rare earth materials, jumped 4.2 percent to 22.29 yuan. Rising Nonferrous Metals Share Co surged the daily limit of 10 percent to 43.90 yuan. basket jordan Gold fell, and took gold mining stocks down with it. Gold for December delivery fell US$28.70, or 2.2 percent, to US$1,268.20 per ounce, its lowest price since mid-July. Mining company Barrick Gold fell 73 cents, or 3.9 percent, to US$17.81. Newmont Mining fell 68 cents, or 2.6 percent, to US$25.62. fitflop shoes Tata Steel expects its own global output to gain 3 to 4 percent this year, owing mainly to demand from China, where he anticipated an overall production increase of 7 to 8 percent.
The S&P 500 index has fallen 4 percent this month, putting it on track for its biggest monthly decline since May 2012. That’s a big contrast from last year, when the index rose 5 percent in January. The index ended the year up nearly 30 percent, its best performance since 1997. Last month also saw five investments withdrawn, including three via mergers and acquisitions, one via buyback and one through a stock transfer, as the China Securities Regulatory Commission halted approval for IPOs. sneakers giuseppe zanotti Chinas economy grew 7.5 percent from a year earlier in the second quarter, the weakest in over a year. Analysts see a 7.8-percent growth in the economy in the third quarter.
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