Succesvolle case-study gedragstargeting
Vanochtend zette Emerce vraagtekens bij de effectiviteit van gedragsmarkering (reclame die aangepast wordt aan het gedrag van websitebezoekers). Een eerste case study uit de VS laat goede resultaten zien.
Een online campagne van iVillage gebaseerd op gedragstargeting leidde tot een 73% hogere merkvoorkeur en tot 29% meer koopintentie in vergelijking met de traditionele vorm van adverteren in content areas.
In the iVillage case, Snapple Beverage Corporation wanted to reach diet and fitness conscious women with a message about its Snapple-a-Day meal replacement drink. Rather than just putting ads in the Diet & Fitness channel on iVillage, the publisher used technology from Tacoda Systems to identify site visitors that had visited that content area within the past 45 days. These people were selected to receive the Snapple-a-Day ads even when they were in other parts of the iVillage site.
The study found visitors targeted outside of the Diet & Fitness channel scored higher for key brand metrics than those who saw ads within the channel. Those who saw the ad outside the channel had 76 percent aided brand awareness, compared to 66 percent of those inside the channel. Fifty-one percent of those exposed outside the channel reported being aware of the online ad, as compared to 33 percent of those exposed inside the channel. Thirty-six percent of those who saw the ad outside the channel had a favorable impression of the brand, as compared to 21 percent inside. Thirty-seven percent of those exposed to the ad outside the channel said they planned to purchase the product, as compared to 29 percent inside the channel.
“When we first made this technology available, we all intuitively thought it would work to make advertising schedules more impactful,” said Douglas W. McCormick, chairman and CEO of iVillage. “But now it’s a fact and this study proves it.”
Bron: ClickZ