Spam Accounts for Roughly 36% of E-Mails Worldwide

17 april 2003, 07:16

According to MessageLabs, one out of every 2.8 e-mail messages tracked worldwide in March was a spam message. And, over 50% of spam messages last month came from the US.

E-mail security provider MessageLabs reports that of the 104.91 million e-mail messages it tracked in March 2003, roughly 38.1 million were spam messages. MessageLabs bases its findings on data gathered directly from its infrastructure monitoring e-mail messages for companies worldwide. The company reports that over one-half of spam messages came from the US, whereas 5.6% came from China and 5.2% came from Great Britain.


MessageLabs also found over 80% of e-mail messages received by businesses in the Accounting sector were spam, whereas just 24.06% of e-mails received by companies in the retail sector were spam.


Whether they do not want to admit that they don’t have a handle on spam issues, or whether spam as a problem has truly been corralled, Aladdin Knowledge Systems found in November 2002 that 46% of IT executives worldwide qualified their companies’ problems with spam as “moderate,” and just 28% qualified them as “severe.”



Marco Derksen
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