Mobiele markt groeit

17 september 2003, 09:05

De omzet van mobiele telefoniebedrijven groeit dit jaar met circa 10 tot 15 procent. In de eerste zes maanden van dit jaar realiseerden de vijf in Nederland actieve bedrijven (KPN, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange en Telfort) en gezamenlijke omzet van 2,6 miljard euro.

Ongeveer 11,9 miljoen mensen hebben een mobieltje in Nederland, zo meldde onderzoeks- en consultantbedrijf Telecom.paper vandaag. De totale omzet van de vijf bedrijven komt in 2003 vermoedelijk uit op tussen de 5,3 en 5,4 miljard euro. Vorig jaar was dat 4,7 miljard euro.

T-Mobile, Vodafone en Orange wonnen marktaandeel ten koste van Telfort en KPN, aldus de onderzoekers. Aan het einde van de eerste helft van dit jaar hadden 40,1 procent van alle mobiele bellers een abonnement, in december van 2002 was dat 38 procent.


Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

Oprichter/partner Upstream, Marketingfacts, Arnhem Direct, SportNext, TravelNext, RvT VPRO, Bestuur Luxor Live, social business, onderwijs, fotografie en vader!


1 Reactie


    Dutch Mobile Market will grow 10%-15% in 2003

    In this new report, DMO2003-H1, we analyse the developments in the Dutch market for mobile communication services during the first six months of 2003, and compare the findings with the market’s performance in 2002. The focus is on mobile network operators and includes KPN, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange, and Telfort. The focus is on their performance in the Dutch market.

    Key findings are:

    – Under difficult economic circumstances, the Dutch mobile communication services market continued to grow at a good rate during the first 6 months of 2003, generating €2.6 billion in revenues.

    – The market is well on track to realise a growth rate of between 10%-15% to between €5.3 and €5.4 billion for 2003, up from €4.7 billion in 2002. This will be driven by growing customer base, higer quality of average customer and higher willingness to spend.

    – T-Mobile gained most during 1H 2003, while KPN continues to hand in market share to its competitors. Telfort did not manage to keep up its good performance of 2002, and lost terrain as well. Vodafone and Orange slightly up.

    – Mobile customer base picks up growth vis-à-vis 2002. Base grows to 11.9 million mobile customers at end of June 2003, up 2.1% from December 2002.

    – Demand for post pay packages is driving the market. Pre pay packages still in decline, despite signs of reversal to growth.

    – Quality of the customer base continues to go up, with 40.1% of customers signing up for post pay services, up from 38.0% in December 2002.

    – ARPUs in post- and pre pay segments show signs of stabilising, but higher quality of customer base lifts blended ARPU to €37 per month in the first half of 2003.

    – Overall market for mobile communication services is growing slightly faster then we anticipated in May 2003. This applies to the growth of the customer base, but also to revenue growth for mobile communication services.

    The market for non-voice services, however, grows at a slightly lower pace then predicted in May 2003, taking 9.7% of total service revenues. For the complete year 2003, our worst-case scenario predicted non-voice revenues of €600 million, but the market is likely to come in under that value at between €560-€570 million, up between 47% and 50% in comparison with the year 2002, during which operators generated €380 million in revenues from non-voice services.


    Dutch Mobile Operators 2003-H1

    (Telecom.paper offers new Research Report)

    19 september 2003 om 03:54

Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!