Hong Kong’s First Wireless PacketVideo Powered Home Camera Service

New World Mobility, one of Hong Kong’s leading mobile telecommunications service providers, has launched HomeCare Mobile Viewing Service, a pioneering mobilemedia service. The new videostreaming service provides mobile users with mobile viewing of live cameras in the home via color screen handsets. Customers using HomeCare Mobile Viewing Service are now able to stay connected to their families and homes no matter how busy they are.
For the past year, New World Mobility has been actively incorporating PacketVideo’s pv3 mobilemedia system platform into its network. Following successful trials, application development and testing, the HomeCare Mobile Viewing Service has been launched over New World Mobility’s general packet radio service (GPRS) network. The service also introduces the Hong Kong market to a new video-ready handset, the Nokia 7650 powered by PacketVideo’s pvPlayer technology.
According to Dr. Wai, “New World Mobility chose PacketVideo because of the ability of the pv3 Mobilemedia System to run next generation wireless services on our current generation network, and support for the attractive Nokia 7650 handset.” New World Mobility expects future PacketVideo-powered services, including the downloading of content and accessing of Internet-connected cameras, to be among the most popular applications in Hong Kong mobile market. Video and personal messaging, live traffic conditions, cartoons, short movie previews and music videos are some of the intended offerings for the future.