Groei kabelinternet lager dan groei ADSL
Wereldwijd groeide het gebruik van kabelinternet in de eerste helft van 2003 met ca. 16%. In dezelfde periode groeide het gebruik van ADSL met ca. 30%.
On June 30, 2003 there were 77 million broadband lines worldwide, according to Point Topic (pdf) in its first report that includes both cable and DSL figures. 60%, or 46.7 million, of all broadband lines are DSL, while the number of cable modems grew faster than DSL in North America. The world’s major economies are starting to converge on similar levels of broadband take-up. Six of the “Group of 7” countries are now in the Top Ten for number of broadband lines (see below). Italy is number eleven. The UK appears in the charts at last, as fastest growing major country, up by 63% in the half year. South Korea is still far ahead at 22.9 broadband lines per hundred population, followed by Hong Kong. But Canada is at 13.3 per 100 and several European countries around 10 or approaching it.
Handig overzicht van breedbandaanbieders in Nederland: