Délia Lauret (Area52, PVH Europe) over de juiste mindset, T-shaped marketeers en netwerken
HelloMasters is de tweewekelijkse podcast van HelloMaaS, waarin Louise Doorn spreekt met de huidige en toekomstige leiders in de Nederlandse marketingscène. CEO’s en CMO’s spreken over de staat van marketing, en de successen én twijfelmomenten uit hun loopbaan. In deze aflevering een gesprek met Délia Lauret over innovatie, mindset en netwerken.
Samen met co-host Ellen Bark-Lindhout co-founder van Collider Amsterdam, spreek ik in deze aflevering met Délia Lauret, director van AREA52 bij PVH Europe (Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein). Lauret was eerder te gast in onze podcast over corporate innovation labs, samen met Maarten Stramrood. In deze aflevering gaan wij verder in op dit onderwerp en haar ervaring met AREA52, de interne digital incubator van PVH Europe’s Digital HUB.
Ik vroeg Lauret naar haar definitie van innovatie en waar het belang van innovatie precies ligt binnen corporates en agencies. “For me, innovation goes beyond the classic disruptive service or product. It’s about creating something new, but also about a mindset that you need to foster.” Ze vervolgt met het benoemen van een quote die de noodzaak het beste uitlegt: “Technology doesn’t care about your feelings, it’s coming anyway.”
Bark-Lindhout kan zich in deze quote vinden. Bedrijven die het beste kunnen inschatten waar de markt heen gaat en daar het makkelijkst op kunnen inspelen, hebben het meeste voordeel: “Survival of the fittest is not about the best at what you do today, it’s about adaptability in a changing environment.”
“Your network comes from the most unexpected places”
We bespreken verder wat de juiste mindset nou precies inhoudt. Lauret koppelt het in dit geval aan innovatie en stelt: “There is not one specific skill that you need to drive [innovation] forward.” Kijkend naar de industrie valt haar de shift in kennisdeling op, waarbij men niet langer in silo’s denkt. Ze maakt hier dan ook graag gebruik van, door te sparren met externe partners en andere corporate labs: “There is a big trend happening in the business, where it’s all about sharing and learning from each other.”
Bark-Lindhout benadrukt dit door haar geloof in het faciliteren van de juiste omstandigheden: “The openmindedness is super important. I believe in serendipity, which is about creating both the mindspace and environment to have luck come to you.”
De podcast is ook via iTunes en Spotify te beluisteren.
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[00:00:00] Intro HelloMaaS
[00:00:26] Intro Louise Doorn en Délia Lauret
[00:00:52] Intro co-host Ellen Bark-Lindhout
[00:01:20] PVH introductie en AREA52
[00:02:04] Wat is fashion-tech?
[00:02:40] Achtergrond van Lauret: why do you do what you do?
[00:03:26] Gemene deler in Lauret’s werk
With a lot of different positions I’ve had over the years, I was the first employee – Lauret
[00:04:10] Definitie van innovatie
For me, innovation goes beyond the classic disruptive service or product. It’s about creating something new, but also about a mindset that you need to foster – Lauret
[00:04:40] Waarom is innovatie nodig?
Technology doesn’t care about your feelings, it’s coming anyway – Lauret
Survival of the fittest is not about the best at what you do today, it’s about adaptability in a changing environment – Bark-Lindhout
[00:07:15] Lauret’s pad naar AREA52
Freelancing for me was the opportunity to have a look inside other companies and find out what I really want – Lauret
[00:08:25] Verschil tussen freelancing en in-house
The main difference is the mindset. With freelancing you really come into a business for a certain project, and you know you’re going to leave again. So you don’t pay attention to the politics as much – Lauret
[00:09:40] Lauret’s inzichten in haar vorige werkgevers
[00:12:10] Uitdaging van agencies
Agencies are in the midst of transforming as well, seeking help and collaboration with corporations on these broader projects. Beyond just executions – Lauret
The creativity and concepting power that agencies have, together with strategy and the tech-power, they have a lot of potential to drive value for big corporations – Lauret
[00:14:00] Ontwikkelen agencies zich genoeg?
[00:16:35] Louise Doorn over HelloMaaS
Agencies operate from a premise of scarcity – Doorn
There usually is some kind of focus area, because marketing is becoming so broad, that one agency might not be the solution for one brand – Doorn
[00:19:10] Innovatie en teams
Within marketing you’re always looking for the latest way to promote yourself – Lauret
[00:20:05] T-shaped / full stack marketers en de benodigdheden voor innovatie
There is not one specific skill that you need to drive [innovation] forward – Lauret
To quote Jeff Bezos: 1. Do I find this person inspiring? 2. Does this person bring the average productivity of this team up? 3. Does this person excel in the skill that he/she has? – Lauret
[00:22:40] Externe input
There is a big trend happening in the business, where it’s all about sharing and learning from each other – Lauret
[00:23:52] Omgaan met concurrentie
[00:24:10] Inspiratiebronnen van Lauret
Horizon 3 is disrupting the industry that you are in, horizon 2 is expanding the industry, horizon 1 is improving the industry that you are in – Lauret
[00:26:25] Opleiding en leermomenten (Singularity university)
[00:28:10] Karakteristieken binnen corporates
Being open, being patient: things don’t change overnight in a corporate. And celebrate the small wins – Lauret
[00:28:50] Tips voor innovatie
Your network comes from the most unexpected places – Lauret
[00:30:10] Karakteristieken volgens Bark-Lindhout
The openmindedness is super important. I believe in serendipity, which is about creating both the mindspace and environment to have luck come to you – Bark-Lindhout
[00:31:50] Outro HelloMasters
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