A blog in every press box; Blog Advertising Grows
When the Democrats met in Boston last week, it wasn’t just business as usual in press row. A group of 30-plus bloggers got media credentials to cover the convention, instantly becoming a media story themselves. The New York Times’ Jennifer 8. Lee wrote that “even as many TV networks are reducing their coverage of the increasingly predictable political conventions, the political blogs, which have become a fruitful alternative for individual voices, have been ablaze over the prospect of officially covering conventions for the first time.” Also in the mix were brand new Weblogs launched by publishers such as CNN.com, MSNBC.com (“Hardblogger” for the “Hardball” TV show), and LATimes.com (Convention Blog Watch). “The best way I can describe my reaction is some mix of puzzlement and incredulity,” longtime blogger/journalist Josh Marshall told Wired News.
Meanwhile, political blog advertising has started to grow, and the Spokane-Review in Washington has started a sales effort for its newspaper-site blogs, according to Steve Outing on E-Media Tidbits. So far, the push has had the most success on niche blogs for RV’ing and health, and the challenge has been educating the sales staff on just what blogs are. Bloggers often rely on RSS syndication feeds to get their news—and then link to those stories, driving traffic. The New York Times on the Web recently increased its RSS feeds available, while the Wall Street Journal Online is offering them for the first time.
OPA Intelligence Report
? Web Diarists Are Now Official Members of Convention Press Corps (NY Times)
? Unbound by tradition, Boston bloggers exercise fresh freedom of press (SF Chronicle)
? Blogsploitation: Big Media Try to Steal Bloggers’ Thunder at DNC (OJR)
? Stars of Convention: Bloggers (Wired News)
? Newspaper Blogs and Making Money (E-Media Tidbits)
? WSJ, NYTimes.com Embrace RSS (ClickZ)