40% van US webgebruikers overweegt Anti-Spam methoden

6 mei 2003, 06:04

Sure, Net users are annoyed by spam, but just how many of them are taking action against the messages? According to a recent Bigfoot Interactive/RoperASW study, 39.6% of US home Net users are considering anti-spam filtering software or services, and nearly 90% would like their ISP to offer an “unsubscribe” option that would safely remove them from e-mail lists.

According to a recent report commissioned by Bigfoot Interactive and conducted by RoperASW, 39.6% of Internet users are considering installing or using some sort of anti-spam filter. The study also found that nearly 90% of US Internet users would prefer that their Internet service provider (ISP) or e-mail service provider offer some sort of “unsubscribe” option so that they could remove themselves from e-mail distribution lists safely. Only 28.6% believe that e-mail from a trusted source is being delivered to their e-mail “junk” folders.

Bron: Emarketer 6 mei 2003


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