Juniper: Mobile Augmented Reality naar 1,5 miljard in 2015
In een nieuw rapport van Juniper Research (pdf) wordt mobile augmented reality een goede toekomst toegedicht. De techniek en het landschap van augmented reality staan nog in de kinderschoenen, toch tonen investeringen in Layar van VC’s en grote bedrijven wel aan dat het bedrijfsleven brood ziet in de techniek en gokt op massale adaptatie door het wereldwijde publiek. De bestedingen in de hele keten stijgen volgens de schattingen van Juniper van 1,5 miljoen dollar in 2010 naar 1,5 miljard dollar in 2015.
“This evolutionary process is not limited to the public sphere; indeed, this process is also replicated across the value chain, as Figure 1 above illustrates. At the outset, AR apps were strictly the preserve of smaller development companies (which in turn frequently comprise researchers at technological institutes creating apps as by-products of their studies). However, as AR apps began to be rolled out, so the larger players became interested, both in creating AR apps, and in facilitating their creation. Furthermore, those major players that currently lack AR capabilities are also considering the benefits of acquiring AR specialists to enable them to build a longer term strategy around AR: and in one notable case, outlined below, this process has already occurred.”
Uit bovenstaande grafiek blijkt, dat Juniper AR-mobile gaming de grootste kansen toedicht. Dat zou in lijn zijn met de verkoop apps, waar games uit mijn hoofd ook de boventoon voeren. Maar:
“Juniper Research believes that by 2014, the advertising revenues attracted to location-based services should mean that it will have overhauled games once more. Meanwhile, the significant deployment of AR enterprise apps towards the latter end of the forecast period should yield ubstantial revenues from 2014; indeed, it is conceivable that enterprise will be the largest contributor to mobile AR revenues by 2016.”