Zoekmachine referrals in een jaar verdubbeld
Het aantal bezoekers die via zoekmachines naar een website komen, is in een jaar tijd bijna verdubbeld volgens StatMarket (van 7,1% naar 13,4%).
WebSideStory, Inc., the creators of HitBox, the de facto standard for online marketing analytics and optimization, today reported that the percentage of search engine referrals worldwide has increased significantly over the past year. As of Thursday, March 6, 2003, search sites accounted for more than 13.4 percent of global referrals, up from 7.1 percent the previous
year, according to WebSideStory’s StatMarket division, a leading source of data on global Internet user trends. StatMarket aggregates information from the millions of daily Internet users who visit sites using WebSideStory’s award-winning HitBox marketing analytics services.
HitBox, among hundreds of live, interactive reports, shows exactly how visitors and customers arrive at a Web site, including specific URLs, keywords, search engines, e-mail campaigns and other marketing initiatives.
“People are more efficient in their Web use,” said Geoff Johnston, vice president of product marketing for StatMarket. “The trend is that they either navigate directly to a Web site they already know, or use a search engine to find a new one.”
Although the global average has increased worldwide, search engine referral percentages can vary between countries. For example, search sites in the United States accounted for over 15 percent of all referrals (up front 8 percent a year ago), while the United Kingdom had a search referral percentage of almost 18 (up from 11.5 percent the year before).
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Global Internet Usage
Referral Type As of Thurs. As of Thurs.
3/06/03 3/07/02
Direct Navigation 65.48% 50.21%
Web links 21.04% 42.60%
Search Engines 13.46% 7.18%
Search Engine Referral As of Thurs. As of Thurs.
Percentages by Country 3/06/03 3/07/02
Spain 21.53% 10.83%
South Africa 20.47% 12.49%
Brazil 19.04% 8.20%
United Kingdom 17.84% 11.51%
Australia 17.07% 10.88%
United States 15.07% 8.00%