Rol van interactiviteit in video-advertising

1 mei 2004, 07:00

Rol van interactiviteit in video-advertising2004 is wat mij betreft het jaar van video-advertising. Steeds meer adverteerders ontdekken het internet om videos te verwerken in online advertising (als onderdeel van een banner of gewoon als tv-commercial dat online is te bekijken). Afgelopen week las ik op Clickz een aardig artikel waarin het belang van interactiviteit in de video werd belicht. En niet helemaal onverwacht zijn de voorbeelden allemaal uit de auto-industrie.

GMC Sierra

This is an online translation of an existing TV spot with a few interactive elements (view ad). At the bottom of the screen are links for a special offer, a dealer locator, and a virtual tour, as well as an e-mail registration field for more information. Staggering the video in three frames is interesting but a bit confusing and jagged. Perhaps the original spot wasn’t shot with this sort of execution in mind. If so, it’s a great example of how difficult retrofitting a TV spot can be. Done somewhat differently, multiple frames would be an interesting way to take advantage of additional space to tell the story.

If you click on a link, a second screen appears, encouraging further interaction. A button returns you to the TV spot. Let the ad finish playing, and you’ll wind up on that second screen. There’s a replay button instead of a return one. I love these little details. From a usability perspective, they’re intuitive yet are often overlooked.

Lincoln Navigator

This is a clever use of short video segments that highlight key features of Lincoln’s SUV (view ad). The ad cycles through each video, then offers the opportunity to view each segment again. It’s straightforward and well done. The simplicity is refreshing, but more information could be packed in the ad without destroying that simplicity. Car shoppers are generally extremely hungry for information: third-party research, reviews, specs, features, options, everything. The more options you provide, the better.

Renault Clio Yahoo!

This ad is a little silly and can be choppy at times, but I’ve included it because it’s the only example of its kind I’ve seen (view ad). Let the video roll for a few seconds, then mouse over the car. The spokesperson actually reacts to the mouse movement, then returns to his speech. The video doesn’t always sync with the audio, but it’s a fun demonstration of Flash video’s interactive power.

It’s a coincidence that the three ads I chose are from the automotive industry. The auto industry is well ahead of the overall average of rich media usage, so perhaps it’s natural auto marketers would be at the front of this pack. Clearly, this sort of solution is a natural fit for the product. Combining rich information and flexibility with the emotive power of video makes a lot of sense for the category.


Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

Oprichter/partner Upstream, Marketingfacts, Arnhem Direct, SportNext, TravelNext, RvT VPRO, Bestuur Luxor Live, social business, onderwijs, fotografie en vader!


2 Reacties


    The lincoln Navigator en Renault Clio link naar de de ad’s werken niet!

    3 mei 2004 om 04:00
    Edwin Duys

    Beide links doen het (weer)

    3 mei 2004 om 05:21

Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!