Pew-onderzoek naar gebruik zoekmachines

Internetgebruikers zijn erg tevreden over zoekmachines en de manier waarop men op het internet zoekt. De internetgebruiker is echter ook naief en weet niet waarom en hoe ze bepaalde zoekmachines gebruiken, laat staan dat ze weten hoe zoekmachines werken. Dit zijn enkele van de conclusies uit het vandaag gepubliceerde onderzoek van Pew Internet and American Life Project over het gebruik van zoekmachines.
Het rapport zal vandaag of morgen ook online staan maar voor de liefhebber alvast een samenvatting van de cijfers:
Internet users are very positive about their online search experiences
- 84% of internet users have used search engines; on any given day, 56% of those online use search engines.
- 92% of those who use search engines say they are confident about their searching abilities, with over half of them, 52%, saying they?re ?very confident?.
- 87% of searchers say they have successful search experiences most of the time, including some 17% of users who say they always find the information for which they are looking.
- 68% of users say that search engines are a fair and unbiased source of information; 19% say they don?t place that trust in search engines.
Most searchers use search engines conservatively
- 50% of searchers say could go back to other ways of finding information; 32% say they can?t live without search engines; and 17% say could let them go tomorrow.
- 47% of searchers will use a search engine no more than once or twice a week; 35%
of searchers will use a search engine at least once a day.
- 44% of searchers say they regularly use a single search engine, 48% will use just two or three, 7% will use more than three.
Most internet users are na?ve about search engines
- 38% of searchers are aware of a distinction between paid and unpaid results; 62% are not.
- 18% of searchers overall (47% of searchers who are aware of the distinction) say they can always tell which results are paid or sponsored and which are not.
- 70% of searchers are okay with the concept of paid or sponsored results.
- 45% of searchers would stop using search engines if they thought the engines weren?t being clear about offering some results for pay.
- 65% of those with 6 or more years of online experience say search engines are a fair and unbiased source of information; 73% of others who have been online 5 years or less say so.
- 64% of those who use engines at least daily say search engines are a fair and unbiased source of information; 71% of those who use search engines less often say so.
- 63% of those who use more than 3 search engines say search engines are a fair and unbiased source of information; 69% of others say so.
Internet users turn to search engines for both their important and their trivial questions
- 55% of searchers say about half the information they search for is important to them and half is trivial.
- 28% of searchers say most of the information they search for is important to them.
- 17% of searchers say most of the information they search for is trivial.
There are some demographic differences among searchers
- 88% of men who are internet users have used search engines. 79% of women who are internet users have used search engines.
- 40% of online men search at least daily, with 28% searching several times a day. 27% of women search at least daily, with 16% searching several times a day.
- 54% of online men say they are very confident in their search abilities. 40% of women say they are very confident in their search abilities.
- 43% of men have heard of the distinction between paid and unpaid results. 32% of women have heard of the distinction between paid and unpaid results.
- 89% of internet users under 30 years have used search engines, compared to 85% of those 30 ? 49 years, 79% of those 50 ? 64 years, 67% of those over 65 years.
- 27% of internet users under 30 years use search engines several times a day, compared to 25% of those 30 ? 49 years; 15% of those 50 ? 64 years and 8 % of those over 65 years.
- 97% of internet users under 30 years express confidence in their search skills, compared to 93% of those 30 ? 49 years; 83% of those 50 ? 64 years and 79% of those over 65 years.
- 36% of internet users under 30 years say they couldn?t live without search engines, compared to 35% for 30 ? 49 years, 26% of those 50 ? 65 years, and 18% of those over 65 years.
- 72% of internet users under 30 years say engine are fair and unbiased, compared to 68% of those 30 ? 49 years; 65% of those 50 ? 64 years, and 66% of those over 65 years.
- 74% of internet users under 30 years say it is fine for search engines to offer paid and unpaid results, compared to 71% of those 30 ? 49 years, 67% of those 50 ? 64 years and 60% of those over 65 years.
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