6 marketing kansen voor FourSquare
Ja, misschien is ook Foursquare (zie: ‘Foursquare: Voor marketing en pr!’), een prima social tool om als marketeer op te nemen in de marketingix. Het location based social network barst van de behavioral data en de makers hebben aangegeven open te staan om samen met marketeers brand pages voor merken op te gaan zetten. Op iMediaConnection heeft Tony Felice in totaal zes marketingkansen voor FourSquare gedefinieerd, maar de mogelijkheden zijn natuurlijk eindeloos en alleen begrensd door de eigen fantasie.
Felice schrijft onder anderen over met FourSquare onderzoek doen naar klantgedrag (zeg maar old school consumentenresearch):
“When bringing Foursquare into the marketing mix, there is also an opportunity to gather valuable consumer research. A key part of the service’s interface showcases which users have checked in at given locations. A programmer familiar with the Foursquare API can also demonstrate how many times each user has visited, the duration of each visit, locations each user has visited before and after coming to a particular venue, the number of other visitors that user is friends with, and the reach each visitor has. When evaluating Foursquare in this way, the potential of the platform is limited only by one’s imagination.”
Over gaming:
“The gaming component of Foursquare is one of the key reasons for its appeal. As part of the game, users have the ability to “unlock” badges along the way. There are at least 32 standard badges, with varying degrees of difficulty. The sequence required to unlock several early badges is made apparent, while others are more obscure. Once a badge is earned, it remains on the user’s profile indefinitely.”
Lees hier meer over bovenstaand filmpje (VS voorbeeld): “BART partners with location-based service Foursquare to encourage transit ridership”.
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