Groei Google vlakt af in eerste kwartaal 2009

“Google had a good quarter given the depth of the recession—while revenues were down quarter over quarter, they grew 6% year over year, thanks to continued strong query growth. These results underline both the resilience of our business model and the ongoing potential of the web as users and advertisers shift online. Going forward, our priority remains investing for the long term to drive future growth in our core and emerging businesses.”
Aan het woord Eric Schmidt, de CEO van Google. Schmidt presenteerde gisteren de cijfers over het eerste kwartaal van 2009. Voor Google zien die er ondanks de recessie aardig uit, hoewel de groei afvlakt. De omzet bedroeg 5,51 miljard dollar in Q1 2009. In Q1 2008 was dat nog 5,19 miljard dollar. Google heeft nu 17,8 miljard dollar in kas. Lees hier alle financiële details: ‘Google announces first quarter 2009 results’. Zie ook Bloomberg voor de reality check:
“The slump in advertising spending led to Google’s first sequential drop in quarterly sales since it went public in 2004. The company is now cutting research, marketing and side projects to cope with the economy, which shrank 6.3 percent last quarter.”