Paid search advertising is booming

Uit de Holiday Report van Doubleclick blijkt dat in decemer 2004 paid search advertising alle verwachtingen heeft overtroffen: de gemiddelde conversieratio is met 124% toegenomen t.o.v. Q3 2004, wat uiteindelijk resulteerde in een toename in ROI voor een adverteerder van gemiddeld 58%.
Het hele persbericht:
DoubleClick Reports That Clicks, Conversions and ROI Boomed For Search Advertisers In 2004 Holiday Season
Daily Average Click-throughs More Than Doubled in December and Gross Revenue Increased More than 300% over the Third Quarter Average
New York, NY, 1/12/2005 – DoubleClick Inc. (NASDAQ: DCLK), the leading provider of marketing solutions for ad agencies, marketers and web publishers, released the final installment of its DoubleClick Holiday 2004 Shopping Report series today, which concluded that search engine advertising effectiveness spiked dramatically during the month of December (December 1-24).
Performics, the performance-based marketing division of DoubleClick and a leading provider of search engine marketing (SEM) services and technologies, analyzed daily activity data for all its clients in aggregate from search engine advertising campaigns for the month of December and compared that with the average daily client activity during the third quarter of 2004. Consumer searches, as evidenced by the number of keyword clicks, increased dramatically during the month of December. The holiday shopping season saw more consumers searching and likewise improvement in conversion rates, gross revenue and return on investment for advertisers.
? The unweighted average number of daily clicks per client in December was more than double (+144%) the daily client average during the 2004 third quarter.
? The average client conversion rate (conversions divided by clicks) increased 124% during December when compared with the average client daily conversion rate for the third quarter. Total conversions, measured by clicks resulting in purchases or other predetermined marketing objectives, increased 446%.
? The average price per click in December rose by 23%, but with the higher click volume, the average advertisers’ total media spend tripled (+200%) compared to the daily average for the third quarter.
? The unweighted daily client average for total gross revenue that search marketing programs generated for merchants was 375% higher in December compared with the third quarter average. The average return on investment (revenue divided by click charges ) rose 58% in the last shopping month of the holidays compared to the average for the late summer months.
?Consumers are increasingly finding ads targeted to search queries to be a valuable service when they are in shopping mode,” said Stuart Frankel, Senior Vice President of DoubleClick and General Manager of Performics. ?The success search advertisers found throughout the 2004 holiday shopping season is further evidence that search is a critical source of traffic and sales for online retailers.?
The data represent Performics? analysis of millions of clicks, ad dollars and revenue dollars from the aggregated search engine advertising campaigns of all of its clients. The comparisons are the unweighted daily client averages for the month of December, specifically December 1 ? 24, versus the unweighted daily client averages for the third quarter 2004 (July through September 2004).