Nike’s weblog Art of Speed is ten einde

7 juli 2004, 03:47

Art of Speed, een weblog dat in opdracht van Nike door Gawker Media is opgezet, is inmiddels ten einde. Zoals bekend was het een 20-daags experiment van Nike. Nu maar hopen dat ze binnenkort de ervaringen met ons willen delen!

Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

Oprichter/partner Upstream, Marketingfacts, Arnhem Direct, SportNext, TravelNext, RvT VPRO, Bestuur Luxor Live, social business, onderwijs, fotografie en vader!


2 Reacties


    Yeah, I hope they will share their ervaring, eh, experience with us soon too. I watched the films, which were hosted on a regular Nike site and was suprised that such a large company who’s set out to blog those films specifically hadn’t made sure that they had a fast-as-heck server. Each time (on different days) i went to watch one the download was dismally slow. The films links went straight to the media itself – no html around it – so perhaps people around the world took the oppertunity to embed the films in their own homepages/forums/webspaces (bringing more hits of course)… Who knows. All I know it was slow like molasses.

    7 juli 2004 om 07:07

    Olha, acho que você está bem equivocada ou então não conhecebem o Viva o Linux. Quantas vezes já encontrei coisas lá que nÃono£centro em lugar nenhum.

    12 juli 2016 om 06:13

Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!