MKB’er niet tevreden met eigen website

11 januari 2003, 01:38

Volgens een onderzoek van Syntens blijkt dat een percentage van maar liefst 66% van de MKB’ers slechts matig tevreden te zijn met het resultaat, dat via de eigen site wordt geboekt. 8% vindt dat resultaat zelfs ronduit slecht!

Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

Oprichter/partner Upstream, Marketingfacts, Arnhem Direct, SportNext, TravelNext, RvT VPRO, Bestuur Luxor Live, social business, onderwijs, fotografie en vader!


2 Reacties


    Step-by-step marketing strategy (MarketingExperiments.Com) voor e-commerce sites:

    STEP ONE – Prepare Your Home/Landing Page

    Before you drive traffic to your site, you need to make sure that it is optimized for the highest possible yield. You have just 5 seconds to capture your visitors’ attention, focus their eye path, and drive them to a revenue-yielding click. 66% of your sales are lost here.

    STEP TWO – Improve Your Order Process

    More than 30% of all orders are abandoned in the shopping cart. $6.5 billion per year is lost due to poor cart design, unstable card processing, or weak follow-up. Improve your order process and you can double your revenue without spending one dollar more for advertising.

    STEP THREE – Test Your Site Compatibility

    What good is it to optimize your site for maximum yield, if 40% of your visitors experience browser display issues? This is the single most overlooked problem with site design. For some reason marketers don’t know how or don’t have the time to be bothered with cross-platform testing — but it is essential.

    STEP FOUR – Develop Your Email Capture

    Before spending thousands of dollars with the pay-per-click engines, make sure that you are capturing the email addresses of as many visitors as possible. Why pay again to reach the same shopper? A smart email capture program can improve your pay-per-click return by as much as 50%.

    STEP FIVE – Set Up Your DealTime Campaign

    We achieved a conversion rate of 13.3 percent on this information-rich shopping search engine AND we did not have to enter thousands of keywords. DealTime may be the quickest way to begin capturing qualified traffic.

    STEP SIX – Set Up Your Google Adwords Select Campaign

    Our experience suggests that the best way to begin your primary search engine work is to create an effective Google Adwords campaign. We generally use the data from this campaign to prepare all of our other search engine plans. It can be the least expensive and most data-rich testing platform.

    STEP SEVEN – Set Up Your Overture Campaign

    Overture can drive significant traffic to your site. The key is to control your bid pricing. Read how we reduced our average costs from $1.52 to $0.25 per click.

    STEP EIGHT – Set Up Your Other Comparison/Shopping Search Engine Campaigns

    The comparison search engines typically achieve a much higher conversion ratio because the shopper reviews price, availability, and shipping information before clicking through to your site.

    STEP NINE – Develop A Plan To Reach Yahoo’s 17 Million Shoppers

    Building a Yahoo Store may not be the best choice for every marketer. But for most — even if you have your own shopping cart — it is an effective way to reach a whole new customer group.

    13 januari 2003 om 17:48

Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!