De laatste weken al verschillende toepassingen gezien van Ctrl-A plaatjes. Eindelijk heb ik nu ook gelezen hoe je ze zelf kunt maken.
If you’re using Internet Explorer for Windows, try loading this image and typing Ctrl-A to highlight it. Is it magic? Or EEE-VIL?! (An explanation of the trick follows.)
How to create your own super-secret images with Photoshop?
create a 2×2 pixel checkerboard pattern with the pencil tool
select the four pixels and select “Define Pattern” from the Edit menu
now select your foreground layer and select the whole image
hit “Q” to go into Quick Mask mode, and select “Fill” from the Edit menu
select “Pattern” from the Use dropdown
set Blending to 100% and click OK to fill the mask with our checkerboard
hit “Q” to go back to Standard Mode and hit Delete to remove every other pixel from the foreground image
now adjust the opacity of the background layer until it fades from sight
save your image as a high-quality JPEG, and you’re done.
Met dank aan: