Corporate websites in de UK weinig ambitieus

Volgens een onderzoek uitgevoerd door ligt het niveau van de corporate websites in de UK dit jaar hoger dan vorig jaar maar verzuimd een derde van de sites om noodzakelijke verbeteringen door te voeren. De corporate website van Shell is uitgeroepen tot beste corporate website van 2003.
Belangrijkste conclusies uit het onderzoek:
Overall the standard has risen again – but around a third of the companies show little ambition to get it right
9 of the bottom 25% have not touched their sites in 3 years
44 have been re-designed in the last year – but thirteen are worse than they were before
Top site is Shell – up from 31st place – with a score of 81.75%. National Grid Transco ? last year’s winner – slips to second with 80.75%
Bottom site is Foreign & Colonial with only 18%. Carnival is the second worst with 22.25% (Both new to the FTSE-100).
Three of the bottom five sites are newcomers to the FTSE 100
A fifth still do not give their share price, or bury it away. One in five still do not explain what they do on their Home Pages. And 25% provide no facility to search their sites for key information.