
19 juli 2006, 16:18


A recent study in the US by Millward Brown, the Keller Fay Group and Voodoovox shows the growing importance of Word of Mouth Marketing (WOM). As such this is not big news, the facts and figures are. For example 43% of US marketing executives will use WOM in the next six months (source: CMO Magazine, April 2005). Also 29% of WOM-conversations take place online (source: TalkTrack™, Keller Fay Group, 2006).

1. Why is WOM important?

* 76% of US consumers do not believe companies are telling the truth in advertisements (source: Yankelovich, 2005)

* 68% of US consumers trust ‘people like themselves’ (‘Twinsumers’, according to Trendwatching.com). This was 22% in 2003 (source: edelman Trust Barometer)

* 92% of US companies think WOM is the best source for product ideas (source:GfK NOP/Roper)

* 19% of US consumers chooses brands solely based upon recommendation (source: Millward Brown, WOM Influence Study, 2005)

* 43% of US marketing executives will use WOM in the next six months (source: CMO Magazine, April 2005)

2. Who creates WOM?

* 76% of US consumers talk about at least one brand and about ten brands on average (source: TalkTrack™, Keller Fay Group, 2006).

* 15% of every conversation contain information about a brand or service (source: Northeastern University)

* 46% of all brand related discussions take place between family members (source: TalkTrack™, Keller Fay Group, 2006).

3. Where does WOM take place?

* 29% of WOM-conversations take place online (source: TalkTrack™, Keller Fay Group, 2006).

* The share of online conversations is three times as large with young people as with seniors (source:TalkTrack™, Keller Fay Group, 2006).

4. What is being said?

* The positive / negative ratio with WOM is 6 : 1 (source: TalkTrack™, Keller Fay Group, 2006)

* 74% of US consumers advised negatively through WOM decides to purchase another product (source: Millward Brown, WOM Influence Study, 2005

* 61% of the brand related conversations influence the purchasing probability (source: TalkTrack™, Keller Fay Group, 2006)

Erik van Roekel
Product Owner Chatbot bij ING

Marketingprofessional met ruime ervaring in diverse internetprojecten in de financiële dienstverlening. Passie voor social media en internet in het algemeen. Stond aan de wieg van het ING Webcare Team in 2009 en gaf er 1,5 jaar leiding aan. Was daarna één van de drivers van de social media strategie voor ING Nederland in 2012 resulterend in een nummer 1 notering in de Social Media Monitor van Social Embassy. Werkzaam geweest bij Corporate Communications van ING Groep en van daaruit betrokken bij social media op internationaal niveau. Momenteel Product owner chatbot bij ING. Blogt op persoonlijke titel bij Marketingfacts en van 2004-2014 ook op de achtergrond actief geweest voor Marketingfacts o.a. bij de techniek en de redactie.


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