Weblogs: Realigning Business, Technology & Communication

15 juni 2004, 16:42

Weblogs were started as an underground and alternative tool for self-expression but have become one of the most significant Internet developments since HTML. Often self-published, they are among the most well read pages on the World Wide Web, with a powerful voice and an influential effect. In fact, the voice has had such a far-reaching impact that it has been credited with fueling the publicity that led to the resignation of US Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott. And now, weblogs are poised to exert a similar impact on the world of business.

This white paper looks at the rise of the weblog phenomenon and examines its potential effect on business, and how businesses can harness this realignment of technology and communication. Weblogs will give rise to a new ?generation? of authorities by making it easy to share meaningful information and content as needed, and at the fast-paced and often irregular speed of business.


A white paper that explores the topic du jour that is business blogs, over 10 pages.

The tone is very pro-blog and there are no comments about PR types spoiling the party, but it makes for a convincing argument that might help you persuade colleagues and managers that this is the way forward for your company.

Includes an 8-point ‘how to begin’ guide that will help you create the business processes and the content/authoring rules nescessary to set up your business blogs, to avoid anarchy in the corporation.

Marco Derksen
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