Wat doen artsen en specialisten online?

6 februari 2003, 11:05

Uit onderzoek van BCG en Harris Interactive blijkt dat 90% van de artsen en specialisten het Internet te gebruiken voor onderzoek klinische studies.

Following up on a study conducted in 2001, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Harris Interactive surveyed over 400 physicians and roughly 10,000 patients in the US in 2002 and found that 90% of physicians say they use the internet to research clinical information. The number of physicians who say they use the internet for continuing education purposes and to attend online medical conferences rose in 2002 over the previous year.


The number of physicians who told BCG and Harris that the internet has had a major impact on the way they interact with patients declined from 19% in 2001 to 12% in 2002.


BCG and Harris also find that while medical portals like WebMD continue to be popular among physicians online, the websites of professional associations, like the American Academy of Pediatrics, have grown in popularity in 2002, visited by 43% of regular health-site visiting physicians.


It is interesting to note where physicians are going online and why, since according to the American Medical Association (AMA), the amount of time physicians in the US spend online has risen from just 4.3 hours per week in 1997 to 9.6 hours per week in 2002.




Marco Derksen
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