The world in perspective

Hoe zou de wereld er uit zien als we de populatie terugbrengen tot exact 100 mensen?
If we would be able to bring down the population of our planet to exactly 100, with all the current human proportions it would look something like this.
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 Americans, North and South
8 Africans
52 females
48 males
70 coloured people
30 white people
70 non-Christians
30 Christians
89 Heterosexuals
11 homosexuals
6 people would own 59% the entire world?s wealth and they would all live in de United States of America.
80 people would live in unworthy homes
70 people would be illiterate
50 people would suffer from starvation
1 would be nearly dead
1 would be on the verge of being born
1 would have a university degree
1 would own a computer
If we look at our world from this perspective we clearly see the need for respect, acceptation and education
Also think of the following
If you woke up this morning completely healthy you are better of than the million others who will not see the end of the week because of deseases.
If you have never experienced the dangers and terrors of war, the loneliness of prison, the terror of torture or the intense pain of starvation then you are better of than 500 million people in this world.
If you can go to Church without the fear of being harassed, getting arrested, tortured or even killed, then you are better of than 3 billion people in this world.
If you have food in the refigrirator, if you have clothes to wear, if you have a roof over your head, if you have a place to sleep, then you are better of than 75% of the people in this world.
If you have money in the bank and money in your pocket and maybe even saved a little money then you belong to the top 8% of the richest people.
If your parents are still alive and still married then you are an exception.
If you can read this article then you are better of than the 2 billion people who cannot read at all.
Therefore our advice to you is
Work as if you do not need the money
Love like you have never been hurt
Dance as if no-one is watching
Sing as if no-one is listening
Live as if this would be your last day on earth