The Next Net 25

4 maart 2006, 17:51

(Business 2.0 Magazine) – Things are really crackling in Silicon Valley these days. There’s the frenzied startup action, the rising rivers of VC cash, even the occasional bubble-icious long-term stock prediction (Google $2,000, anyone?).

Social Media (Digg,, Newsvine, Tagworld, YouTube, Yahoo!), Mashup and filters (Bloglines, Eurekster, Simply Hired, Technorati, Trulia, Wink, Google), The New Phone (Fonality, SIPphone, Lotum, Vivox, Skype), Webtop (JotSpot, 30Boxes, 37Signals, Writely, Zimbra, Microsoft), Under the hood (Brightcove, Jigsaw, SimpleFeed, SalesForce, Six Apart, Amazon)

Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

Oprichter/partner Upstream, Marketingfacts, Arnhem Direct, SportNext, TravelNext, RvT VPRO, Bestuur Luxor Live, social business, onderwijs, fotografie en vader!


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