Steeds meer senioren online

Volgens een recente studie van Forrester heeft bijna 20% van de senioren in Europa internettoegang.
Almost 20 percent of European seniors have Internet access, according to a new study from Forrester Research.
The latest survey from the company indicates that the number of consumers older than 55 that are online has increased by 50 percent in two and a half years, up from almost 10 million in 2000 to more than 15 million at the end of 2002.
According to the study, the increase comes mainly from younger seniors, aged between 55 and 64.
Almost 50 percent of seniors in Sweden are now online, compared to just under 40 percent in the Netherlands and 29 percent in the UK. Only French and Spanish seniors are still holding back from using the Net.
The study reveals that most senior consumers are reasonably passive online, preferring to stick to basic activities like using email and researching products.
The report indicates that while fifty percent of seniors have looked for products online, just four ercent have purchased via the Web.
In addition, while one in six seniors check stock quotes online, only seven percent bank online regularly.