Shuttle News’ Online Winners and Losers

Nielsen/NetRatings has some interesting Web news-traffic numbers from over the weekend. was the winner in the online ratings competition on Saturday, the day of the space-shuttle crash, and Sunday. What’s really interesting is that on Friday, Yahoo! News had the biggest audience, with 1.2 million unique visitors, followed by with 795,000. With the shuttle crash, lots of people seem to have changed their behavior. On Saturday, had 2.2 million visitors; Yahoo! News, 1.7 million; and, 1.6 million. No other national news site came close to those numbers— is next on the top-20-sites list with 446,000.
Most news sites saw a significant traffic spike on Saturday, but a few recorded modest gains or even a loss of traffic. only saw a 3% gain to 191,000 unique visitors. McClatchy Newspapers sites and MSN actually lost traffic on Saturday compared to Friday numbers!