Online toekomst voor Niet – Credit Card betalingen?

7 mei 2003, 11:54

The vast majority of online payments are still made with a credit card, yet many consumers are too scared to divulge their card numbers online. Enter non-credit card payments, reports Noah Elkin, which could help convert fearful online shoppers into buyers.

However, for now and the foreseeable future, the credit card remains king, with an 82% share of the e-commerce payments market even as late as 2005. That figure matches up with the attitudinal research from eBrain, a service of the Consumer Electronics Association. According to May 2002 findings, 75% of US online buyers prefer to pay by credit card, while 10% opt to use some kind of electronic payment service, such as PayPal (which uses the ACH network).



Emarketer 7 mei 2003


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