Online advertising brand goed

Een recente studie van toont aan dat conversie n.a.v. online advertising vaak pas in de weken na de impressie plaatsvindt. Dit staat haaks op de gedachte dat click-throughs het belangrijkste efectiviteitscriterium zijn. In de studie vond in sommige gevallen 85% van de conversie pas achteraf plaats., Inc. today released new findings from its Optigence research platform demonstrating the impact of online advertising in driving conversions in the hours/days following the ad impression. The study indicates that, in addition to the immediate impact typically measured via conversion tracking, the online ad impression has a long-term impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions – as measured via new view-through tracking technologies.
For the purpose of this study, view-through analysis was based on over 370 million impressions served for three separate advertisers (Advertiser A, Advertiser B and Advertiser C). The study examined the number and timing of conversions (desired action taken on an ad) occurring over intervals of five, 10 and 14 days after the impression. Conversions occurring for Advertiser A were monitored for a period of five days, while conversions occurring for Advertisers B and C were monitored at 10- and 14-day windows.
For the shortest monitoring period, the data showed that approximately one-third of all conversions happened on the same day that the impression was served. Longer periods of monitoring revealed that up to 85 percent of conversions were tallied in the days after a user was served an impression.
“These findings show what a significant portion of conversion activity takes place well beyond the impression,” said Scott Ferber, chief executive officer of “It suggests that traditional measurement approaches, such as per-action or per-click evaluation, may not tell the whole story. It also reveals how lasting the effect of an impression can be, which is food for thought when it comes to the potential of online brand advertising – garnering mindshare, not just clickshare.”
The study also analyzed conversions on an hourly basis. Longer periods of monitoring revealed that only nine to 11 percent of the campaigns’ total conversions occurred within three hours of the impression being served.
For subsequent days, as many as 30 percent of the conversions happened during the same hours that the impression was served. For example, if a user saw an impression on Monday at 2 p.m. but did not convert on the ad until Wednesday, it is likely that the conversion happened at or near 2 p.m. on Wednesday. This data supports the theory that users’ consumption of the Internet is often patterned and repeated on a daily basis.
Methodology’s Optigence research platform conducts continual analysis of anonymous user behavior based on data collected from the company’s performance-based advertising network, which represents approximately 72% of all online users (comScore Media Metrix, August 2003).