Net Not a Popular Outlet for Coupons
An NCH Marketing study determined that of the 248 billion CPG coupons produced in the US last year, only 0.2% of them were dispersed online. This makes sense considering MORI Research found in 2002 that only 1% to 2% of consumers downloaded coupons on a daily basis online.
NCH Marketing Services reports that consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies printed and distributed 248 billion coupons in 2002, a total that represented a growth of 3.8% over the number produced in 2001. NCH finds that just 0.2% of the CPG coupons produced last year were online coupons, whereas 86% were free standing inserts, like Procter & Gamble?s Brand Saver insert and Kraft’s Food & Family insert.
NCH also found that over the years, US consumers’ opinion regarding whether or not coupons save them money has fluctuated—from a high of 74.7% agreeing with that they do help save money in 1998 to a low of 50.9% in 2001 thinking the same. Last year, over 70% of US consumers agreed with the statement, “coupons save me a lot of money.”
Indeed only a small percentage of US Internet users are actually downloading coupons online, according to a 2002 MORI Research survey. The study determined that only between 1% and 2% of Net users cited “downloading coupons” as one of their daily online activities.