Consumers see brands differently online

Nearly forty million consumers in the US have changed their minds about shopping brands as a result of online information this year, according to the Dieringer Research Group (Nov 20,2002).
The percent of online adults who say that online information has changed their brand opinions and purchases has risen steadily since 1998. In that year, 14.4 million US consumers claimed they saw brands differently after going online.
The latest study indicates that 60 percent of those online adults whose opinions changed switched brands at purchase, whether they bought via the Net or at a brick-and-mortar store.
Forty-eight percent of all adults online longer than five years report that their brand opinions changed due to online information, compared to only 28 percent of brand new Internet users.
Households with incomes of USD75,000 or more are also more likely to switch, according to the study.
Half of all adults who have abandoned online orders said they changed their opinion of brands due to their online experience. In addition, major mall brands were found to be among the most likely products that were subject to change of mind.
According to the Dieringer Group, the study shows that marketers need to be sure their websites and online interactions are consistent with the overall brand image their companies wish to convey.