De digitale economie en de Europese Commissie: Digital Agenda Assembly 2012

27 juni 2012, 08:58

Afgelopen donderdag en vrijdag werd de Digital Agenda Assembly in Brussel gehouden. Deze Assembly-conferentie is gehouden ten behoeve van de “Digital Agenda for Europe“, de Europese roadmap om de voordelen van de digitale economie en maatschappij te kunnen ontplooien. Ik was door de Europese Commissie uitgenodigd om aan deze invite-only conferentie deel te nemen. In totaal waren er een paar honderd man uit heel Europa aanwezig, een zeer diverse club van mensen.


De belangrijkste doelstellingen van de Assembly zijn:

  • de voortgang beoordelen van de reeds ingezette acties, waar mogelijk zoekende naar verbeteringen;

  • het identificeren van uitdagingen voor de informatiemaatschappij en alvorens de Digital Agenda wordt geïmplementeerd en

  • het mobiliseren van stakeholders om uitdagingen te spotten en vooruitgang te boeken.

Het twee dagen durende evenement bestond uit een volle dag workshops (donderdag) en een plenaire sessie op vrijdag. Juist tijdens de workshops was er de mogelijkheid om actief bij te dragen aan het digitale beleid van Europa. Focus van dit artikel is de eerste dag.

Zelf heb ik deelgenomen aan de Convergent Media Platforms workshop:

Following last year's workshop on “ICT and the management of creative content”, the workshop constituted a further development in the exchanges bringing the focus more on the convergence angle but maintaining the strong emphasis on the consumer which emerged during last year's discussions.

Convergence of devices is increasingly becoming reality with connected TV models and cloud computing. As a result, content is increasingly a strategic asset for telecom operators, equipment manufacturers, online service providers and social media which compete to provide new application services and innovative business models to respond to new consumption patterns.

Consumers are increasingly able and willing to access content which could be anything anywhere across multiple devices (internet-enabled TV sets, PCs, smartphones and tablets).

Ik heb moeten vaststellen dat de klantfocus niet erg aanwezig was. Veel werd er besproken vanuit het technologische innovatie-perspectief en niet zozeer de waardecreatie en –innovatie. Er is een groep gebruikers die de convergentie van allerlei apparaten en schermen natuurlijk adopteert, maar met de huidige demografie van doelgroepen (bijvoorbeeld baby boomers, digibeten, e.d.) zijn dit grote groepen die vanuit de aanbodkant “gewoon” op een zakelijke manier benaderd moeten worden. Dit, gepaard met de focus van de workshop, kan ook liggen aan de samenstelling van de groep, veelal personen vanuit de technologie en beleidsvorming en niet zozeer vanuit de business.

Onderstaand vind je een aggregatie van de belangrijkste tweets over deze specifieke workshop met daarna een aggregatie van mijn bijdrages en enkele gedachten daarbij:

Europe’s Digital Agenda Assembly: summary of the Convergent Media Platforms workshop #da12converge

Storified by 90:10 Group NL · Mon, Jun 25 2012 04:25:59

This workshop was part of the Digital Agenda Assembly of the European Commission.

The main objectives of the Assembly are to:

*Assess progress to date on implementation towards the Digital Agenda’s goals and actions and seek ways to improve delivery;
*Identify challenges ahead for the implementation of the Digital Agenda and for the information society in general;
*Mobilise stakeholders’ actions to make further progress and address challenges.

Following last year’s workshop on “ICT and the management of creative content”, this workshopconstituted a further development in the exchanges bringing the focus more on the convergence angle but maintaining the strong emphasis on the consumer which emerged during last year’s discussions.

Convergence of devices is increasingly becoming reality with connected TV models and cloud computing. As a result, content is increasingly a strategic asset for telecom operators, equipment manufacturers, online service providers and social media which compete to provide new application services and innovative business models to respond to new consumption patterns.

are increasingly able and willing to access content which could be anything anywhere across multiple devices (internet-enabled TV sets, PCs, smartphones and tablets).

Below you’ll find an aggregation of all conversations and the 90:10 Group’s specific contribution to the workshop with some added thoughts.

Aggregation to describe to show most important topics of the day

RT @mia_se: Accessible live web castingpresented at now used by broadcaster #tv4 User involvement is key #da12convergePeter Krantz
RT @DigitalAgendaEU: Our WS on #da12converge #da12bb & #da12ecom present their results at #digitaagenda assembly 2012! Watch online: #da12Opus50
RT @DigitalAgendaEU: Our WS on #da12converge #da12bb & #da12ecom present their results at #digitaagenda assembly 2012! Watch online: #da12Irish Surfer
Keeping it simple one – selected message from yesterday Made by Christoph Dosch in #da12converge #da12Mia Ahlgren
Keeping it simple one – important message from yesterday Made by Christian Dosch in #da12converge #da12Mia Ahlgren
RT @DigitalAgendaEU: Our WS on #da12converge #da12bb & #da12ecom present their results at #digitaagenda assembly 2012! Watch online: #da12P.A.U. Education
RT @DigitalAgendaEU: Our WS on #da12converge #da12bb & #da12ecom present their results at #digitaagenda assembly 2012! Watch online: #da12Neil Bates
RT @DigitalAgendaEU: Our WS on #da12converge #da12bb & #da12ecom present their results at #digitaagenda assembly 2012! Watch online: #da12Marc Garriga
Our WS on #da12converge #da12bb & #da12ecom present their results at #digitaagenda assembly 2012! Watch online: #da12Digital Agenda
Plenary summary from #da12converge How do you quote silence? No clear answers Mention of Involving consumers more #da12Mia Ahlgren
RT @ninideluca: Plenary session on the #DigitalAgend about to start at the European Parliament #da12converge madelin
Plenary session on the #DigitalAgend about to start at the European Parliament #da12converge De Luca
How much convergence needed to taste the new #AphroditeRock Ale in Cyprus? #da12convergeBlogCyEu
Accessible live web castingpresented at now used by broadcaster #tv4 User involvement is key #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
.. nor do UK regulators understand the need for spoken intralingual subtitles The cheapest #accesservice #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
Is #OfCom representing consumers or industry? They do not represent sign lanugage speakers outside UK #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
When asking a panelist at #da12converge if tools mentioned were #accessible to screenreader users he had never heard of it Different worldsMia Ahlgren
Reflections after participating in #da12converge Next year: More consumer/users to balance industry/regulators Maybe as moderatorsMia Ahlgren
il diario della prima giornata dell’European digital Agenda di @eusebiofg che partecipa ai lavori CC #da12convergeDaniele Chieffi
#da12converge Phew. Facebook rep can remind us about everything we thought we’d forgottenrhonaparry
#thankyou to everyone who took an active role in #da12converge, both online and offline. hope to meet you again soon!Annalisa De Luca
#epub3 #standard and digital books mentioned in summary of #da12converge at #digitalagenda assembly #funkpolMia Ahlgren
Summaries from Erika Mann: Hanna Sköld independent producer is remembered We all like a good story #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
Kastelein We need to talk Industries are meeting People are not #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
final session with Erika Mann about to start here at #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
R.Kastelein: i appreciate the diversity of people who have come together today #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
S.Loerke: i realised how many stakeholders can be directly impacted by this digital revolution #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
RT @ninideluca: M.Smith: i learnt that we need a lot more conferences like this! #da12convergeKonstantinos P
M.Smith: we covered a lot of ground, very fast, but we would need more time to look into more thoroughly #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
M.Smith: i learnt that we need a lot more conferences like this! #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
D.Eckert: what are you taking back home with you that you didn’t know before? #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
RT @billt: “direct to the fan” (as per Richard Kastelein at #da12converge) reminds me of Reagan going over the heads of the press!90:10 Group NL
“direct to the fan” (as per Richard Kastelein / @expathos at #da12converge) reminds me of Reagan going over the heads of the press!Bill Thompson
RT @billt: “direct to the fan” (as per Richard Kastelein at #da12converge) reminds me of Reagan going over the heads of the press!Annalisa De Luca
“direct to the fan” (as per Richard Kastelein at #da12converge) reminds me of Reagan going over the heads of the press!Bill Thompson
RT @ninideluca: R.Kastelein: Netflix is taking up 33% of bandwidth in the US on primetime #da12converge #incredibleProkopios Drogkaris
S.Loerke: we need a holistic measurement tool that tells us what are the meaningful interactions with consumers #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
from the floow: figures show that mkters should spend the same $ on tv and mobile but mobile only gets 0.5%. how’s that? #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
R.Kastelein: Netflix is taking up 33% of bandwidth in the US on primetime #da12converge #incredibleAnnalisa De Luca
Financing Winners of #japanprize 2011

rams/American-Experience-97/episodes/Freedom-Riders-28955 Top quality crossmedia content produced by #WGBH Not commercial #da12convergeMia Ahlgren

RT @ninideluca: R.Kastelein: it’s looks like the key to the crowdfunding model is that *ego* is the currency, not money #da12convergeJochen Hummel
#da12converge does the demise of TV spot advertising have an impact on regulation?Harald Trettenbrein
RT @ninideluca: follow livestreaming from #da12converge at!Luigi Puzone
S.Lorke: brands are not going to shift their advertising money just because they’ve been to a conference, they need metrics! #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
so much content being shared at #da12converge I can’t keep up!Annalisa De Luca
RT @ninideluca: R.Kastelein: 88% of marketers have no #connectedtv strategy at all #da12convergeProkopios Drogkaris
R.Kastelein: 88% of marketers have no #connectedtv strategy at all #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
ha! just raised subject of measurement in #da12social too… RT @ninideluca: S.Loeke just hit the key point: we need METRICS! #da12convergeJamal Shahin
S.Loeke just hit the key point: we need METRICS! #da12converge #hallelujahAnnalisa De Luca
#da12converge Loerke: cultural change in established companies (let go of a certain amount of control) happening90:10 Group NL
@papamiltiadisk let’s ask M.Smith to clarify this for us! #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
RT @ninideluca: P.Hustinx: if people are not aware, there’s no default position to defend #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
RT @ninideluca: P.Hustinx stresses the importance of ’the right to be forgotten’, recently advocated by @NeelieKroesEU #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
#da12converge Martin Smith: banks and venture capital not financing. Surprising for something that is closer to gambling than business?Harald Trettenbrein
M.Smith: should we inject $ into production firms as equity? #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
M.Smith: let a million business models flourish! but fiscal relieves are good as well #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
M.Smith: wouldn’t recommend using #crowdfunding, unless you want 200people ringing at your door on Sunday morning #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
RT @DigitalAgendaEU: “Converged media platforms”? #da12converge WS. Join the debate&tune in via live video: #da12 Internet
RT @9010NL: #da12converge Loerke: Digital marketing 3 times as effective to growth than ad spendAlan W. Silberberg
#da12converge Kastelein: validates ideas because investors go with it – crowdfunding90:10 Group NL
S.Loerke: 1/10th of TV resources was spent on nonlinear platforms but that figure is going to increase esp. on branded content #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
RT @9010NL: #da12converge Loerke: Digital marketing 3 times as effective to growth than ad spendDigital Agenda
S.Loerke: McKinsey research found that digital mkting 3 times more productive for growth than traditional mkting #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
Growth on the agenda Invest in an inclusive society and reduce cost for exclusion #da12convergeMia Ahlgren
#da12converge Loerke: Digital marketing 3 times as effective to growth than ad spend90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Loerke: G20 country 15% of economic growth in 10 years is directly related to ad spend90:10 Group NL
Stephen Loerke from WMA: we represent advertiserERS, that is the people who pay for advertising #da12converge

Annalisa De Luca
RT @DigitalAgendaEU: “Converged media platforms”? #da12converge WS. Join the debate&tune in via live video: #da12 Mudzhigaeva
R.Kastelein: it’s looks like the key to the crowdfunding model is that *ego* is the currency, not money #da12convergeAnnalisa De Luca
and therefore ≠ free RT @epc_angela: Peter Hustinx at #da12converge says we need to be clear that online tracking is financing free contentSebastian Lifflander
Aggregation of 90:10 Group’s reporting on the Convergent Media Platforms workshop

One of the things that standed out to me was the focus on technological innovation and less on business model innovation. There are so many technologies out there changing or morphing consumer behavior, but from a business point of perspective, there seems to be wait-and-see attitude.

I sensed this also when one of the panelists feedbacked on previous given suggestion of a “creative destructive” mindset in approaching the challenges due to all these technological innovations but also demographic shifts. The feedback was that linear TV still excells, which is true. But right now baby boomers are sustaining this growth, not able to handle connected devices and sticking to linear TV. Within a decade this will change and then what?

There’s still a long way to go in moulding the future living room which is relevant and meaningful.

#da12converge Loerke: cultural change in established companies (let go of a certain amount of control) happening90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Kastelein: validates ideas because investors go with it – crowdfunding90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Loerke: Digital marketing 3 times as effective to growth than ad spend90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Loerke: G20 country 15% of economic growth in 10 years is directly related to ad spend90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Smith: banks and VC do not invest in content anymore.90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Smith: we’re in a transition. Revenue from old to new media is not going as fast90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Eckert: is there new potential for new business models, services and What is the mindset in the market to inform the EU90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Hustinx: loss of context – multiple behaviors/roles per individual is challenging90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Offering (meta)information is key to let viewers make choices. — Bekkers90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Bekkers: pros convergence quite obvious. challenges: how to make wise choices amongst info90:10 Group NL
#da12converge involve certain groups to spur innovation. Same with elderly in care/ehealth.90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Cassidy: tv industry is very local. Be careful when discussing geographic challenges90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Disney is “glocal” when it comes to content creation. Meeting diversified target groups90:10 Group NL
#da12converge I like Cassidy’s view, it supports demand-driven solutions. Techs enable cost-effectiveness, potential for relative long-tail90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Cassidy: Despite all the techs, a good tv show is a good tv show. Tech supports great stories, not per se the other way around90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Cassidy: last two years with rise of social and apps – digital business has completely transformed. (concerning formats)90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Spiller: Monetization is happening and supply side needs to be creative. —#OpenBusiness – Change as a Constant90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Disney is a clear case of a multiple stakeholder value proposition (kids and parents (enablers).90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Telling stories fits Kotler’s Marketing 3.0 “character building” as a sub-marketing discipline. Humanize the brand.90:10 Group NL
#da12converge The art of telling stories, showing emotions and connecting people (Thomas Spiller)90:10 Group NL
#da12converge the perception of the brand, content or product because of the enabled involvement. 2/2 #OpenBusiness90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Hanna Skold on her transmedia collaborative new film. Research has also shown that co-creation in itself enhances 1/290:10 Group NL
#da12converge regulation follows business not vice versa90:10 Gro

up NL

#da12converge New session started on content creation.90:10 Group NL
and supply side needs to change their business model to remain viable. 2/2 #da12converge90:10 Group NL
As #OpenBusiness and consumer advocate i fully agree with Ad van Loon: consumers should be in control of the control room 1/2 #da12converge90:10 Group NL
@ninideluca niche marketing is powerful, not necessary damaging #da12converge90:10 Group NL
#da12converge perhaps we should introduce a Stakeholder Value Proposition 3/390:10 Group NL
#da12converge thinking at Porter’s Five Forces it won’t be sustainable, for the individual stakeholder and total ecosystem. 2/390:10 Group NL
#da12converge manufacturers are on end-customer lock-in and competitor lock-out. Weird as the value chain is changing 1/290:10 Group NL
#da12converge Digital ID as core and not devices supporting the content as starting point.90:10 Group NL
#da12converge “Consumers don’t want to be locked in in silos of standards, formats etc.” -> consumer-centric through interoperability.90:10 Group NL
#da12converge standards are not fully thereYet… Diffusion thereforDoesn’t spur90:10 Group NL
#da12converge “living room becomes portable” i.e. Consumer-centric solutions which are location agnostic90:10 Group NL
#da12converge Interoperability and standards is key & and who controls access to the living room. OTT bypasses this.90:10 Group NL
#da12converge quality and declustering satellite as future plans.90:10 Group NL

Overzicht workshops en online fora

Onderstaand vindt je alle workshops nog eens terug en de daarbij behorende fora waar je nog steeds aan bij kunt dragen.

Workshop 1: Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device? Converged Media Platforms

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12converge

Workshop 2: High-speed connections

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12bb

Workshop 3: Trust What You Buy, Choose How to Pay? The Future of e-Commerce in Europe

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12ecom

Workshop 4: Social Media: Social Networking for Economic Recovery, Jobs and Growth

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12social

Workshop 5: Data

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12data

Workshop 6: Clouds for Europe: From Cloud-friendly to Cloud-Active

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12cloud

Workshop 7: Security: Secure Digital Future: building on growth, innovation and confidence

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12trustsec

Workshop 8: Innovation and entrepreneurs

Online discussie

Twitter hashtag: #da12innov

Websites omtrent de EU’s Digital Agenda

Gianluigi Cuccureddu
Ecommerce marketing professional bij ZZP

Ondersteun organisaties en marketing professionals met het maximaliseren van hun ecommerce marketing investeringen. Focus gebieden: performance marketing, marketing technologie, google shopping, feed marketing, datafeed optimalisatie, SEA, BI/AI.


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