eDay 2010 | Paul Kedrosky
Een man met in depth kennis van de investors markt in de VS. Als senior partner van de Kauffman Foundation zit de man op grote budgetten, zeg maar….Kauffman investeert namelijk in 35 tot 40 venture funds en is daarmee een van de grootste, zoniet de grootste investor in de VS. Met Paul praten we over ondernemerschap, hoe worden mensen gedreven tot ondernemen. Zijn antwoord? Geen programma’s, subsidies, of whatever. Nee, de zaak komt in beweging ‘if the idiot down the hallway gets rich. Want dat prikkelt iedereen (als hij het kan kan ik het ook). Zijn belangrijkste doel op dit moment is economic vandalism. Paul wil de venture industrie fors laten inkrimpen. Waarom? Kijken.
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I think VULs were created by inrsnauce companies banking on the success of mutual funds and the bullish market so they can attract new and old investors to their inrsnauce products again.Firstly, if you have life inrsnauce already, I don’t think you need to get another one through a VUL. If you need something for retirement then you can invest directly through mutual funds or UITFs. Like what’s written in the report, only part of the premium is set aside for the INVESTMENT part of the VUL. You’ll get more if the whole premium is used to buy the INVESTMENT and this can be done through a Mutual fund / UITF / Bonds.Second, there is another product that inrsnauce companies sell. It’s an inrsnauce + pension plan. It’s similar to the VUL where in your money earns dividends yearly. The dividend rate however is quite low and comparable only to Treasury bond rates. It’s like a VUL with the investment portion invested in FIXED INCOME FUNDS. There’s no option to invest it other types of investments. If you have this type of inrsnauce already then I don’t think you need a VUL as well. But if you don’t have this and you’re considering a pension plan then a VUL might be better because you can shift the investment part to possibly earn more. But note that the earning potential of VULs is not guaranteed some responsibility is left to the buyer. If you leave it in Equity based investments and the stock market falls, you could end up with just the guaranteed face value of your inrsnauce and nothing more. Lots of financial instruments/products are being created by financial institutions to complicate matters and keep the investing public confused! We must all learn to ask the right questions so we can be well informed of our investing decisions.Just realized that this is a great topic to write about. Will be sharing my insights about this more on my blog soon.