E-mail benchmark Return Path: 20 procent e-mails komen niet aan

10 februari 2010, 07:46

Twintig procent van de verzonden e-mail in de VS en Canada haalt het niet tot de inbox. In Europa is dat 11 procent, 85 procent komt wel aan en 3,6 procent eindigt in de junk folder. In Azië gaat het iets beter dan in Europa en veel beter dan in de VS en Canada met 86,9 procent delivery, 3 procent bulk en 10 procent “missing”. Het blijkt allemaal uit het de ReturnPath Global Deliverability Benchmark study. Voer voor e-mail marketeers. Hieronder het volledige rapport op Slideshare en een paar overwegingen van de directeur van ReturnPath, George Bilbrey:

George Bilbrey, de directeur van ReturnPath, zegt in het persbericht/nieuwsbericht over de benchmark study het volgende:

“1 First, many senders still don’t have access to reliable data on their deliverability situation. They rely on reports that show a “delivered” metric that tends to be 95% or higher. But in most cases this is not the Inbox Placement Rate – the percentage of mail that actually arrives in the inbox. Rather it is simply a reporting of the number of messages sent minus the number that returned a hard-bounce message. This creates a false impression that nearly 100% of email messages arrive as intended.

2 Second, email marketing is a high-ROI, low-cost channel – and when you’re making money on every campaign that goes out the door it’s easy to disregard opportunities for improvement. The reality is that senders are leaving a lot of money on table – on average, according this report, about 20%. For example, if you deploy a campaign to one million subscribers with an average conversion rate of 5% (50,000 buyers) for a value per conversion of $10, you should earn $500,000 in revenue from that campaign. But if 20% of your email never made it to the inbox, then the numbers look very different. With an 80% inbox placement rate, only 800,000 subscribers would receive your email and at the same conversion rate and value, your email revenue drops down to $400,000 for that same email campaign. Now multiply that by the number of campaigns you send every year and that can turn into millions in lost revenue. What senders fail to realize is that those dollars can be recouped simply by maintaining a good reputation and implementing basic best practices that are proven to improve inbox placement. While achieving 100% deliverability is key, even a 5% increase to your inbox placement, results (for this example) in $100,000 more in revenue per campaign.

3 Third, and perhaps most important, sending reputation (behavior) is THE driving factor that determines whether (or not) email makes it to the inbox. But senders are still failing to implement the best practices that make email deliverability more likely and more consistent. This includes very straightforward tactics like welcome messages, easy opt-out procedures and setting expectations at opt-in. These basic practices build the strong reputations that drive higher deliverability. When we take a look at senders with good reputations (Sender Score of 90-100) inbox placement rates are over 50% higher at Yahoo!, Hotmail and Google than senders with mediocre reputations (Sender Scores of 40-60).”

Van april 2007 tot juni 2011 was ik freelance editor/ communitymanager / hoofdredacteur bij Marketingfacts. Tussendoor werkte ik bij Insites Consulting, IDG Nederland, Saatchi&Saatchi;/Leo Burnett (voor Samsung) en voor onderzoeksbureau WUA. Vanaf 1 november 2021 vorm ik samen met Luuk Ros de hoofdredactie van Marketingfacts.


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