Podsave Music Network biedt copyright-vrije muziek

16 juli 2005, 09:04

Terwijl de platenindustrie er juist alles aan doet om gratis promotie van hun artiesten tégen te gaan, springt ‘t Podsave Music Network in het gapende open gat in de muziekmarkt.

Carl Mangold
Video Advertising & Content Producer bij Carl Mangold

Carl Mangold produceert video advertising en -content voor online marketing, van concept tot en met oplevering. Én realiseert en optimaliseert het bereik ervan, op basis van in overleg gedefinieerde KPI's. “People around the world are now watching hours of Youtube’s incredible content every single day!” (Cristos Goodrow, Youtube) “We move towards a world where video is at the heart of all our services” (Mark Zuckerberg, 27 juli 2016) “Video is where all of media is headed right now. There is no more valuable piece of property or entity then video in the world of media at all.” (Casey Neistat, 6 sept. 2016)


1 Reactie

    David Cox

    (In English, sent from Fort Myers, FL USA):

    I have heard great music shared on Fr. Roderick’s podcast, Daily Breakfast with Fr. Roderick. How can I go about accessing some of your great music? Do you have an English version of this site?

    Respectfully, David Cox

    21 februari 2007 om 16:20

Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!