Hoe meten marketeers de effectiviteit van zoekmachine marketing?

25 juni 2003, 14:22

Volgens een recent onderzoek van WebTrends en iProspect, maakt 41% van de marketeers in de VS gebruik van (betaalde) zoekmachine marketing. Maar hoe meten ze nu de effectiviteit van deze campagnes?

And, 41% of those marketers who are implementing SEM strategies are measuring such efforts based on click-through and general site traffic. Only 11% are using a detailed ROI analysis of their SEM efforts, which includes lifetime value as well as revenue by phrase.


WebTrends and iProspect surveyed over 800 marketers who participated in a web conference presented by the two firms. Attendees were surveyed, and the results indicated that of those people who are running SEM campaigns, 23% tell WebTrends and iProspect that it is a significant part of their overall marketing mix. The survey also determined that 23% of marketers are not using SEM at all, but 35% are evaluating the option, pointing to a strong future for the format.


Another set of numbers which point to a strong future for the ad medium are the latest findings from the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The organizations report that spending on search advertising has jumped from $108.5 million in the US in 2000 to $927.4 million by the end of last year.




Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

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