Hoe en waar Amerkanen zoeken

5 mei 2003, 10:08

These days, it’s all about search. According to comScore’s newest tracking system, Media Metrix qSearch, 64% of US Internet users who visit search sites actually conduct searches. These people average over 10 searches per week.

According to comScore Network’s newest system, Media Metrix qSearch, 64% of people in the US who visit a search engine actually conduct a search on that site. comScore’s findings are based on data collected from 1.5 million global Internet users during a four-week period ending 26 January 2003. comScore also notes that those searchers conduct an average of 10.8 searches per week. comScore finds that Google converts an average of 82% of its visitors into searchers, while Yahoo!, AOL and MSN’s conversion rates are all over 50%.

comScore also reports that an average 790 million searches are conducted online in the US per week. Of that total, Yahoo! claims the greatest share with 26%, while Google follows with 23%.

Wondering why so much research firm and media attention these days is directed at search engines? According to a March 2003 report from WebSideStory, the percent of Internet users worldwide using search engines to arrive at their desired online destination has grown over the past year to over 13%. Meanwhile, the number of people using web links has declined dramatically from over 42% in March 2002 to roughly 21% as of March 2003.


Emarketer 5 mei 2003


1 Reactie


    What a rocket science of Media Matrix. Volgens mij zijn search engines sites opgezet om makkelijk op het web te kunnen zoeken. Wellicht hebben de mensen van Media Matrix daar een andere mening over en zijn zij daarom zo verrast over de resultaten.

    “And now for something completly different”: Search engines!

    6 mei 2003 om 05:31

Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!