23% kerstinkopen via internet

3 december 2003, 10:23

Uit het 2003 Holiday eSpending Report van Future Now, Inc blijkt dat in de VS 23% van het beschikbare budget voor kerstkado’s online wordt uitgegeven (tegen 19% in 2002).

The Internet has gone through four phases: Pioneer Days was the technology phase (gopher and BBS); Great Expectations was the design phase (Cool Site of the Day); the Marketing Phase was next (we’ll never forget the wake-up call when the bubble burst); and now we are moving in to the Business Phase where business objectives and ROI are critical.

As should be apparent, in the Business Phase the goals of a business (sales) cannot be realized until the goals of the visitors are satisfied (purchases). Toward this end, a commercial website must not only provide information, function well and facilitate clients taking action, it must also do its best job to persuade, meet and exceed customer expectations.

Consumer acceptance of ecommerce is very real. JupiterResearch, a division of Jupitermedia Corp. forecasts that online holiday retail sales this 2003 holiday season will be about $17 billion, a 21 percent increase over online consumer spending in 2002.

Jupiter also forecasts that close to 40 percent of online users plan to do some or all of their holiday shopping online, an increase of 18 percent over last year. Half of consumers polled say they can find the products they are looking for more easily online than in stores.

The 2003 Holiday eSpending Report study showed that the average person surveyed expects to spend 23 percent of his or her shopping budget online, as compared to the estimated 19 percent spent online in 2002.



Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

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